Samson’s Plight…

Samson has had a third eyelid flip performed by the vet. This procedure takes the third eyelid, stretches it up and over the eye to form a natural eye patch. Although they strongly suspect he has cancer in this eye (for they can find nothing else to explain the mass they found there) they want the eye to rest for two weeks. Then he goes back and they will remove the eye (and also both his ear flaps. Poor kitty!

He is Shell’s colonymate and these cats just weren’t even given a chance to be healthy and happy. I am going to start a chipIn and hope that I can raise the monies needed to give this kitty that chance he never had. He is such a sweet baby, but I knew he was in trouble a few days ago when he started banging his head against the wall, the pillows, the laundry basket, the bookcase- anything he could find. He was at the vets for two and a half-hours and is now home with a drain in his forehead and his eye stitched close. I put a veterinary soft e-collar on him so he won’t pull the drain out of dig out the stitches. I have him in a cage right now as he is still sedated- then he will just continue to stay in the bedroom with the last of the remaining colony- Delilah. Poor kitty- my heart hurts for him.

not that I blame him, but he just bit me after I had to dose him with an antibiotic, a steriod and some eye drops. Now he is hissing and growling at the very sight of me. I just want to hug him but I don’t think he is in the mood.

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6 thoughts on “Samson’s Plight…

  1. Oh poor baby. I wish I could be there and give him gentle hugs and kitty head rubs. I will be keeping him(and you)in my prayers. Feel better Samson kitty!

  2. Our thoughts, prayers, and vibes are with Samson (and you)!!!!!!!!!!

    Did you start the ChipIn? Or did I miss a link?

  3. Fingers crossed. Has he had his blood pressure checked? That might explain the head banging

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