Bless Me Father, For I have Sinned

Due to my husband’s illness that first took hold of him during Christmas in 2004, I had no choice but to reclaim control of our diet. I hadn’t been able to change his destructive eating habits no matter what I did, and now he is dealing with the aftermath.

Since that time of cleaning out cupboards and trying to eat right, I have given up my greatest vice- chocolate.

I strayed off the path recently when a group of friends invited me out to lunch~ Here is my prayer of forgiveness:

Oh God, I am heartily sorry for straying back into the path of temptation. Thy path I strayed on is called Chocolate and the signpost in the road was by Oreo and so I wandered.

I very carefully twisted the sinful cookie desert to separate the creamy white filling from the cookie center. I then indulged in the decadent cookie and rich ice cream and now carry sorrow in my heart for sinning against the god of calories.

I promise as an act of contrition I will walk an extra thirty minutes tomorrow, even if it rains. Because I know that I have offended Thee, but Oh Lord, this sin when it melted in my mouth, the taste was extraordinary and in the midst of sinning, I smiled. Although my spirit was willing to stay on the good path, it turned out my flesh is weak..

I firmly resolve that by your good grace, I will sin no more~ at least not until after I finish the package of Hostess Ding Dongs that I bought on my way home. Not to mention the ice cream bars I stashed in the freezer (underneath the frozen broccoli and tofu). I told you I was weak!

I remain your humble servant~ and in order to avoid any more occassions to sin, I will from now on ignore the cookie aisle at the local grocery store and close my eyes as I walk through the ice cream section at the local Safeway.


2 thoughts on “Bless Me Father, For I have Sinned

  1. Dear Mary Ann,

    Thank you for some insight about feline hyperesthesia. I’ve also done lots of animal rescue work, for the last ten years in fact. Very hard. Emotionally rewarding, but very hard. And expensive.

    Re feline hyperesthesia my “iddy biddy” striped, ten year old female neut shorthair, has displayed an interesting syndrome of symptoms including loud insistent yowling at night (not always) compulsive cleaning (not always) and has an enlarged heart, from birth. But what has prompted this email is this:
    What would be the reason for a slight head tremor in a cat who just got a distemper vaccine in the back? I understand there are some side effects to this vaccine, and was wondering if a head tremor was one? The tremor was not present before the vaccine, and I know it is related to the vaccine. Will it disappear or could it be a sign of something serious? I am concerned that the vaccine may have entered
    the CNS. Is this possible, and would it be a serious development? When the vaccine was administered between the shoulder blades or near there, there was some pain because she really hissed, and she is normally a very compliant judicious cat–I call her my Judicious Kisses.

    I’ve only witnessed the tremor (lasting 2 seconds) twice, but a neurological response like this has me quite concerned. I know of instances where a dog has died after a vaccine which caused inflammation along the CNS, or spinal, canal. If a virus gets into the CNS or spinal fluid of a cat or dog, it causes a complete detereoration of neurons and axons (spinal cord) over several weeks. The prognosis for a cat with similar condition is one/two months. I’m wondering if a misapplied vaccine can trigger feline hyperesthesia–ie the compulsive behavior described with convulsions.
    Thank you very much for your response. Amy

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