Would someone please turn off my cat magnet?

I went to the business this afternoon to check on the kitten. There was neither hide-nor-hair of him around which gives me concern because last night- we had a freeze warning and it dipped down to 21 degrees! I hope he is still with us.

I went back to my car and opened the back door. I popped a lid on some cat food and this shadow passed by me. Before I understood what the shadow was, there stood a Mackeral Tabby on my seat looking at me as if to say- “Is that mine?”

He was a handsome fella, quite friendly, no feral in sight- but we are in a part of town where homes are few and far between. I left him in the back seat eating and went in and asked the owners if they knew where he came from? Not only did they claim to not know, but they want nothing to do with him being there in the first place.

I left the kitten some food and more warm bedding as another freeze is predicted for tonight. Then I walked back to my car and Mr. Cool and I had a bit of a staredown. I told him if he wanted to not rush the door, let me in and not get under my feet as I drove home, he was welcome to come with me. He blinked his sleepy blink at me, jumped down to the passenger seat, turned around three times and fell asleep! He slept all the way home!

Tomorrow, I will take him to the vet to see if he is chipped. There is no way he isn’t owned by someone and my hope is a chip will be found and grateful owners traced down.

When I came home with him- all Mike did was smile and ask me his name. I call him MC for Mr. Cool. He is upstairs and ShyAnne is miffed because he took her favorite room! He is neutered (thank you God)

2 thoughts on “Would someone please turn off my cat magnet?

  1. Mr Cool does indeed seem a pretty cool cucumber, not afraid and ready for whatever life or a kind soul will give him. Some silly person knows his cat so little – or cares so little – that he let this friendly and trusting fellow just roam about. It’s a good thing Mr Cool found you.

  2. Incredible! My cats HATE riding in the car! Probably because they think the car only goes to the vet… lol

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