This is my grumpy post-

You have been warned! LOL

Can I please have a do-over? About two in the afternoon yesterday after drinking a bit of soda and eating one unwashed grape, my mouth suddenly started to go numb! My lips were tingling- my tongue felt like there were blisters on the underside of it.

By the time I arrived home from the store, my lower lip looked I had about a dozen botox injections! It hurt to move my tongue, my tongue was swelling and the inside of my mouth was swollen and painful! I’m thinking to myself what the hell?

I go in and decide to rinse my mouth with cool water- it didn’t help. I thought, well okay, maybe I have something in my gums so I put toothpaste on my toothbrush and the minute the toothpaste touched my inner lip- I thought I was going to pass out! The pain was intense.

I called the store and asked if there had been any issues with the grapes I bought? There hasn’t been and they are a product of USA. I contacted the soda company to ask them if there had been any problems with a certain batch of their soda- haven’t heard back from them.

Meanwhile, my mouth is swelling, there are a thin line of rodent ulcers appearing at the bottom of my tongue (that’s what they looked like to me at least)- except they were tiny like pimples. Every time I moved my tongue it was all I could do to NOT scream. I put ice on my face thinking I might have been stung or bitten? Then I put heat on it. Nothing helped.

By this time it was dinner time and I had made homemade vegetable soup. I couldn’t even eat it! Any movement of my tongue just hurt. I went in to talk to Mike about it and I found I couldn’t even talk right. Sounded like I had some sort of speech impediment.

I was exhausted and decided to go to bed early thinking in the morning it might just all go away. I woke up at 1:00 in the morning with thick drool all over my pillow and sheets and I am again thinking what the hell? I go in the bathroom and look and I look like someone slammed me in the face, my lips are swollen and huge.

Now I am scared and I go to wake up Mike, whose blood sugar happened to drop at this time and he wasn’t into having any type of conversation… So I drove myself to the ER only to find out I have stomatitis! Next thing I know, I will start meowing!

The doctor said it can resolve on its own but it takes awhile. He gave me a shot for pain and some meds (numbing ointment) and I went home.

The doctor said they don’t know really what causes it- it could be a side-effect of the staph infection, it could be from stress- NO me STRESSED?- It could be caused by something I ate, he did say it wasn’t a hygiene problem which made me feel better as I know my teeth aren’t the greatest.

So now my mouth hurts like someone has poured acid in it or I gargled with Drain-O I have a lovely line of ulcers starting on my lower and upper gum line and I am not supposed to talk for a few days and I need to keep my stress level down/. I can’t eat anything but yogurt and soft foods and if not better in 3 days, I need to see my primary care doctor. Boy, if this is the type of pain that cats deal with- well, I have a better understanding of their courage now.

How was your day?

4 thoughts on “This is my grumpy post-

  1. Well, I think you have the right to be a bit grumpy. It’s good to let off steam. I hope your situation improves as rapidly as it deteriorated. It certainly does sound painful.

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