Trying to remain positive-

Trying to remain positive lately has been such an inner struggle. I know that tough times don’t last but tough people do but I think I’ve reached the point of no return. I’ve kept if off the blog just because writing about it slams the reality of it straight into my heart and my tears start again.

When Mike got so sick years ago, spent the time in the hospital then the nursing home we lost substantial income. We have been struggling to keep up and yet kept falling further behind.

Recently, the lender (who I totally detest and will not name) but I will tell you it is one of the lenders currently in the news along with a few others “under investigation” for improper tactics regarding mortgage loans has decided working with us is no longer an option and unless we come up with a substantial amount of money in the next few weeks, they will start foreclosure procedures against us and we will lose our home.

I suppose if it was just us, it wouldn’t be such a crushing defeat but my tears are for the cats. What happens to them? Who in their right mind will rent their home to someone with dozens of cats? It’s hard enough to find a place that will accept one cat!

I told the rude, nasty lady who called this morning that they really don’t want this house! Our neighbor who has a brand new home has had his up for sale for five years with no interest. His barn in brand new, he has more land and yet no one wants it. I told her I have been living in a home half-finished from a remodel started over seven years ago. It doesn’t matter- they want their monies and they want it NOW!

I have never seen Mike so devasted. This handsome, loving gentle man who would give you his shirt off his back in the midst of a raging blizzard. And now this situation has raised its ugly head and further devasted this gentle man.

I don’t know what is going to happen, with fees and penalties and the BS they have tacked on suddenly it has overwhelmed us. We have a short time to figure this out and last night it must have reallly sent a message to me. My dreams were about Mike in a nursing home and me on the streets with a shopping cart full of cats! I must have cried in my sleep because when I woke this morning, I had cats covering my body. The door had been left open to the bedroom and I was surrounded by my friends. I was strait-jacketed in cats which is highly appropriate because right now, I feel like I am heading for a nervous breakdown.

9 thoughts on “Trying to remain positive-

  1. I am so sorry you are going through this:( Why is it that those who help the less fortunate are the ones who suffer the most? My thoughts are with you and Mike as are my prayers. Can someone in your area do a story about you and your rescue? Perhaps if your story hit the news or the paper there may be some help out there. Praying hard! Hang in there and don’t let them get you down!

  2. I’m sorry to read of your troubles. I agree with Roseann: get yourself noticed in the local media, talk about it on the internet as much as you can. Speak to a lawyer (though I’m sure you have already). Also, mention your situation on the Cat Blogosphere. There are a lot of people there who are more than just cat-fanciers. They may come up with some good ideas for you.

  3. What about using Facebook or other social media sites to send out your plea for help? Get yourself out there and noticed. I always tell anyone and everyone about you because you’re like a hidden gem. It’s time you went out in the open and let yourself shine! The more people who know about you, the better chance you’ll find helping hands. There is a group called Save Feral Cats that I’ve mentioned your blog to (I hope you don’t mind. You just have great stories that I thought others could learn from and enjoy)

  4. I can’t type the right words to comfort you, but please know I will pray earnestly for you and Mike. I agree with everyone else; There are lots of websites that use “ChipIn” and others to raise money for cat rescue and they are often overwhelmed with assistance. The Itty Bitty Kitty Committee website raised something like $66,000! There’s got to be a way to get your story out there. Sending you much love and prayers.

  5. I was in a similar situation after losing my job, I turned the tables on them and kept calling them. I called several times a week and at different times of the day. I took down the name of the person I talked to I documented the date and time of each call. I was finally able to get my loan modified, my payment is lower, my interest rate is lower. The key in doing this is that you have to have your day in court for the foreclosure. You take your records for the Judge to see that you have made every effort to work with them and they didn’t want to work with you. The Judge can force them to stop the foreclosure and work with you. God bless you and all that you do. I know being nice to them will be hard, but you have to do it.

  6. I am so very sorry you are going thru this. You and Mike and all the kitties are always in my prayers and I will double up on them! You are a special blessing to all the kitties you both help and I hate that this is happening to you. The others are right. Go public and if you get an offer of help take it. You both deserve it. Just try and hang in there. I know it’s hard as my family went thru the same thing when my husband was laid off. God bless all of you!!

  7. Yes, you definitely still have options. There is the Making Home Affordable loan mod program. You probably qualify. You might want to speak to a supervisor at your mortgage company. They should have offered you this option. Also, get a lawyer. We went through it too and it took a year but the loan was finally modified. God Bless You.
    And I agree, put this out on the blogosphere. No need to suffer in silence

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