Catching up

The wild one is still around and I have taken to feeding her on the top of the well house. There, she is protected from the elements by our century old pine, and she isn’t encroaching on Cleo’s, Tipster’s or Squirrel’s already established territory. She jumps on the traps, over the traps, tips them over, tries to paw the food out between the bars, but so far, she won’t venture inside. At night I hear her and Tip squaring off under the house, but so far it is all vocal, and no wounds or injuries are showing up.

It’s getting interesting in the house now. Twirl has finally figured out that if she can’t get with the program an stop being so aggressive, she goes into exile upstairs. It only took a few times, and now she seems content to just lie on the couch or on the floor in front of the bedroom, rather than wage war with Matuse, Oliver or Everest.

McKinley has grown into a drop dead gorgeous cat. No matter how often I trim his claws, he seems to have a knack of getting them back quickly, just as sharp and long as they were before. I think scampering up the trees inside the enclosure has a lot to do with that. But, man is he a beauty. His fur is as soft as an angora sweater and he has now decided that laps are an okay place to be.

We built a new tower out in the enclosure recently, and he loves to climb to the top, and as I got in and out of the door, he reaches down and gently swats my head.

I have heard from the recent adoptive parents and both Morgan and Buzzby are doing well. Rachel refers to Buzzby as Bizzy Bee and says his favorite trick is to try and upset the dry food container and pry the lid off. He was doing this here as well, and so I told her my trick of putting a small bag of unopened cat litter in the bottom of the container before pouring the dry kibble inside.

Morgan has been adopted by a loving family and I am promised updates and photos in the future. So that makes me happy.

My manuscript is coming along- but man am I disorganized- I have 58 different files I need to organize and see what information goes into the manuscript. I am going to have to print out all the articles, journal entries etc and then color code them for the different chapters and go from there. My friend Dusty Rainbolt told me the other day on the phone that she is proud of me for writing this. But I really haven’t a clue what I am doing, or if I am doing it right. All I can hope, is the final result will be a winner and that it will help the average person be able to take that stray cat out of the bushes and into the home and over time socialize the cat to accept indoor living.

If you happen to be reading this and you own a cat-related blog, keep an eye on a website I am currently involved in We will be starting a contest in the next week for bloggers, as well as website owners. I am pretty excited about it.

Ok, well it will be dark soon. I have horses to feed, cats to tend to, litterpans to scoop and a kitchen to clean up. I am moving pretty slow these days thanks to a ruptured achilles heel. They want to do surgery on it, but in the same breath they tell me that the surgery is usually only 20% effective! I don’t like those odds.

Watched a great DVD today- Breach. I did find it ironic that the biggest spy in United States history responsible for multiple deaths of agents, hid behind the sanctity of the catholic church. He may have attended mass daily, but how in the world did he sleep with all the harm he did to so many?

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