The Vanishing

In rescue when you deal with multiple cats there is always something going on- so inner conflict with a few cats, hairball scavenger hunts, trying to find the cat food lid that you know you just laid on the counter five minutes go! Always something. You make mistakes and you learn from them. The day that you believe you are an expert, you walk away from Rescue work forever.

A few days ago, I was fighting a bad cold. Over-tired, brain numb from lack of sleep, I went into the refrigerator late at night to get some juice.

When I went to close the refrigerator door (and it wasn’t gently) I noticed out of the corner of my eye (to late to stop the door) Hook reaching in to snag the plate of turkey on the bottom shelf! I screamed out, dropped my juice and grabbed for the door but it caught him in the sides of the neck. He bolted out into the porch and ducked behind one of the cages. I could see him shaking his head violently, much like a dog does when it has had a bath.

I went to pick him up and he flew past me and slid into the bottom of the jacuzzi. That was the last time I have seen him.

This house (normally cluttered) is now immaculate. I have cleaned, organized every room looking for this 6 month old black kitten. I have been in the attic, down in the basement into several of our false rooms we have here. I have looked under recliners, under couches, high into the rafters, under the dishwasher, the stove, he is gone. If he is in this house he is injured to the point where he can’t respond or so traumatized he won’t respond.

I talked to a vet yesterday and she told me that if I had paralyzed him in such an incident, it would have been immediate. He would have been so injured and unable to move. Does that make me feel better? No, I am crazy to find him but don’t know where else to look. My hope is he made it outside somehow and is hunkered down under the house sleeping off the trauma. Mike said even if I could get under the house there are a million places he could hide, and being black be unseen.

So all that is left to do at this point is pray that he is okay and just scared. I rescue some of these kittens from such abuse. I would never harm them and when accidents such as this type happen it makes me feel unworthy to be called a rescuer.

3 thoughts on “The Vanishing

  1. ((((Mary Anne))) Please don’t be so hard on yourself.. We all make mistakes as we are all human. You do so much for these cats and they need you. I’m willing to bet he’s just scared and will come around. Take care of yourself as we tend to be our own worst enemy.

  2. We second what Roseann said.

    Hook is probably really scared right now. If he is coming from a situation of neglect or abuse, he might thing you meant to do that.

    Just give him a few days, and maybe leave a little turkey out where he can find it (if there is anyplace where it would last more than a couple minutes 🙂 ) If nothing else, you might have to set a trap somewhere in the house to snag him so you can cuddle him a little.

    Good luck to you all, and purrrrrrss

  3. Please don’t feel too bad – you are more than worthy to be called a rescuer – as you said yourself this was an accident, they can happen to anyone. I hope he shows himself soon

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