Furry Paperweight

She became an effective paperweight this morning, plopped on my chest and daring me to even get up. The heat had quit sometime in the night and I tested the air and decided that staying under the warm blankets was preferable to hitting the shower.

She smiled and settled back as if she knew as the day crept closer, I would leave her yet again to spend time alone. I visit her as much as I can during the day and I know she is lonely as cats are social creatures. But it is best for now for her to be the only feline in the room.

I contemplated moving my office into the bedroom to be able to spend more time with her, but without Mike’s help the move would be impossible. I wish I had a laptop- then it would be an easy matter. My office is in the far corner of the living room and that is how it has to be.

She’s quieter now and moved off my chest. I throw off the blankets, grab my robe and slippers and join her at the window. She is staring out at the back pasture. It is just now 5:00 a.m. The moon is full and I can see the grasses of the field lit up like a Christmas tree.
I pet her gently knowing full well that when I stop, her paw will dart out quickly and her claws will nail me. My hand has so many holes in them right now, it’s a wonder they don’t leak when I wash my hands! But that is her way- she squeaks when she meows and when you pet her and stop, she strikes quickly. You have to be on your toes with this one.

Her eye looks a little misty, her temp is normal and I tell her about yesterday when I took Mr. Cool to be at his forever home. I told her that last night before I went to bed, I received an email from the new family telling me with delight that MC slept on Pam’s lap last night with the dog on the other side and there were no confrontations.

I dish out her food and turn to leave- it is time to start my day.

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