Morning Greetings

This morning at 5:47 a.m. I woke to find Cole laying on my shoulder, Oliver tucked in close to my hip and Chandler nuzzling my chin. I slid off the bed and my feet bumped Matuse who was curled up near my slippers. As I reached down to take possession of what used to be mine, Matuse reminded me of his authority in the home and swiped at me with his claws extended.

I retrieved my slippers, put my left foot inside and it met with a barrier. Not wanting to wake up Mike, and thanking my stars the barrier wasn’t wet and gooey, I flipped the slipper upside down. A ping pong ball escaped its jail and went rolling across the floor. Everest darted out from underneath the bed to chase the ball and the sound of a ping pong ball on ceramic tile was to tempting. Soon Chandler, Sullivan and Cole were in hot pursuit.

Grabbing my robe, I had to liberate it first from the evil clutches of Mercedes, I headed for the kitchen to put on coffee. I was followed by a wake of kitties, who knew that if mom was heading for the kitchen, it would soon be meal time! As I measured and filled the pot, I heard a gentle bap-bap-bapping sound. I looked around and Riley had his paw up the opening of the pet fountain, trying to pry the lid off. His signal that the oasis on the dining room table had dried up in the night and it was time to put more water in the well. Coffee would have to wait.

The fountain cleaned, scrubbed and refilled began to bubble its magic and Riley could now drink his fill. Into the bathroom now to wash my face and brush my hair “helped” by the polydactyl Prowler who believes that anything near my face requires her expert grooming skills. After chasing the water down the drain, Prowler decided I passed her morning muster. Going back into the kitchen, I get a good morning swipe of paws from Rocky in his accustomed place at the top of the cat condo.

Stopping to say hello and rub his wonderfully furry belly, I am hard pressed to ignore his sister Taylor who resides in the cat house one level below. My coffee attack is starting to scream in my head, but who can ignore this feline opportunity. Both kitties get good hard rubs, which they love.

Finally! I am in the kitchen and ready to start the coffee. Chappy streaks past, slides to a halt and starts weaving in and out of my ankles in a mad dance of kittydom. He wants his butt scratched, and my coffee now ready, cannot be poured until Chappy gets his scratch.

Ahh the first sip of the breakfast brew- heaven and my senses start to wake up. Time to get dressed, so off to the bedroom where Guinevere waits eagerly for her morning routine. Her routine includes brushing her all over with a wire brush (which my other cats dearly hate!) But Guinnie with her broken body and thick, coarse hair loves this brush and she purrs and stretches, grabbing for the battered sides of the cardboard box that she has decided is her safe haven. Her claws find purchase along the sides and more cardboard shreds are added to the pile she made during the night. I have tried to replace this box so many times, but she will have nothing to do with with the newer boxes, preferring to stay within the box that has been repeatedly marked with her scent as she claws her way to brushing ectasy.

Now that her hair has been brushed, it is my turn! A few swipes with a hairbrush, jeans and sweatshirt and I am ready to go and feed the horses. As I make my way back to the kitchen for just one more cup of coffee, just one more cup…just one more…..a familiar and not very pleasant odor assaults my nose. Taylor has used the litter pan. The horses will have to wait, it is time to scoop and clean.

Seven litter pans later with return trips to three as the Alpha’s assert their authority and re-baptize the clean litter, I hear Mike stirring in the bedroom. Now that he is awake, I can let the two dogs out of their crate so they can run our four acres.

Upstairs I go to clean the pans up there and say hello to Babycakes and Twirl. I inspect both cats, Babycakes wounds are closing nicely, though Twirl with her cancer returning isn’t looking to hot this morning. Both kitties are medicated and their rooms straightened up. I turn on the fans, it is supposed to be another hot day today.

Dogs running the property investigating the scents of the critters of the night, I go back into the kitchen do my kitty call through the tunnel. Time to feed the cats. Cats come spilling from everywhere. I take the time to personally say hello and pet each one, and McKinley, back to his loving self, climbs up my leg as if to say “I deserve a hug, don’t I mom?” I pick him up and hug him tight. He wraps his huge paws around my neck and presses in. He is glad to be home. Down he goes to find his place at the buffet table.

My call has roused the barn cats as well. Even though I had every intention after Cleo died, to keep the four kitties in the porch forever, they had other plans. They all escaped, and as of yet, we can’t find out how they got out. I spilled food into the trays and Tipster, WK, Squirrel and Cyclone begin to eat.

The dogs are waiting at the door to be fed, the horses are nickering at the gate and all is well. My day has started and it is time to thank God for allowing me the interaction with these beautiful animals. They make my world complete.

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