The missing link

Every time I open the back door, I expect to see Cleo laying on the easy chair exposing his white belly to the world and wanting a good tummy rub. In the morning when I feed the horses, I find myself wistfully looking up at the rafters and hoping I see his royal gray and whiteness looking down at me. But, he is gone, and my mind knows this. It is just getting my heart to accept it before I can go on.

I had to laugh this morning, it’s laundry day, and I just dumped the laundry on the couch before we ran out the door to take Kody to be spayed. I figured, the cats’ wouldn’t be able to get on the clean clothes if the clothes were covered by the laundry basket which is actually a plastic bin. When I got home, I went to fold the clothes and there sleeping on top of the pile of clothes under the plastic bin was Prowler and Truman. They must have both burrowed through the clothes pile, coming up and under the jumble of clothes and made a nice nest for themselves.

Kody tried to bite the vet tech today! I was so shocked, I have never seen this behavior with her before. It was after the thermometer was inserted, and the tech had backed away that Kody turned her head, snarled and snapped. She just missed the poor girl’s wrist! I grabbed her muzzle, wrapped my hand around it and told her sternly that this type of behavior will not fly and it was totally unacceptable. I just hope after we left her, she didn’t hurt anyone. Maybe she is out of sorts because of Lei being gone.

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