He loves to be petted

One of the first things I do when new kitties arrive is go into the room where they are and sit on the floor and read to them, or pray, or just talk about my day. I do this on a routine schedule, only for about 20-30 minutes at a time. When I leave, I put tasty treats on the very spot my body was on the floor or carpet. This gets them used to my voice, it allows them to see I am not a threat as I stay low to the ground and never tower above them. And they start to understand that when they hear my voice, pleasant things happen to them- they get treats. I make my own treats- I detest packaged treats for both dogs and cats.

Yesterday, as I was reading to them a new book just sent to me for review called taming me- memoirs of a clever island cat, I feel this bump on my back. A gentle touch, not a strong headbump, but a soft nudge. I ignored it, smiled and kept reading.

Within minutes, Sylvester was standing in front of me checking me out. I didn’t make eye contact, just kept reading,my smile growing wider. He stood there trying to figure out this curious human who has not done anything to be preceived his predator. I just kept reading, but I snaked my arm out from under me and touched his side. He stood his ground. Closing my eyes, and putting the book down, I began to slightly stroke his sides and he went nuts! He laid down, and rolled on his belly. Knowing I was risking getting scratched, I still kept my eyes down away from his and started rubbing his belly. He is not a warrior (thank God) he is a lover. I was able to finally raise my eyes and keep track of what my hand was doing and where his paws were going. They were straight up in the air reaching and his belly was getting massaged and stroked. We were both in heaven.

Vaughn watched from a safe distance on the window and his ears were back. Although he wasn’t the one being petted, I could tell he was uncomfortable about this exchange. So I stopped, because I did not wish for my scent on Sylvester’s fur to cause friction between these two feline friends.

Feral or semi-feral? I think not and gratefully so. I think just misunderstood, perhaps others in the past hurting him or scaring him or expecting him to move forward on their schedule not realizing cats need time to figure out changes.

This morning when I went to feed, he came running out to rub against my legs while Vaughn once again kept vigil above.

10:20 a.m. pleased to report First Contact with Vaughn! He allowed me to stroke his beautiful back a few times before he moved away a short distance!

7:54 p.m. I am thrilled to report that Vaughn is now letting me pet him without incident! He hisses, but he is all bluff. What a beauty he is- he reminds me of a cat I had over 20 years ago named Bravo.

3 thoughts on “He loves to be petted

  1. And another one falls for you Mary Ann! Good to hear 🙂 As for Vaughn.. he will understand, in time..

  2. MA that cat guy on the telly has nothing on you(cannot recall his name at the moment). They can tell you are good people. Give all the kitties a scratch for me & Mike too. LOL

  3. This story makes me so happy! When i was halfway through reading this, my cat squeaky came up and licked my face. He came from a fetal colony that had been TNR’d. He is such a lovebug. I keep telling my boyfriend that he needs his eartip back. Good luck with the kitties!

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