“Houston we have lift-off!”

This morning when I put the food down ALL the toxic kitties ran to the food and chowed down!

I am getting low of kitten food (hint hint) but hope to transition them to a brand I can get locally and don’t have to make a major trip to Eugene to do it. I spoke with the buyer at Safeway the other day and asked why they don’t order Friskies kitten food or even adult food? Why do they just order senior food? I was stunned by the answer “This town is a retirement community!” I looked at the gal and said, yes, there are elderly people living here, but not all the cats in the area are senior kitties! She said she would see what she could do.

At any rate, I am thrilled that the kittens’ are responding to the TLC and the other care they are receiving here. I decided to name the biggest black kitty Braveheart and will give the other cats courageous names as well.

I need to insulate the new enclosure- our cold weather is returning rather quickly. We are looking at around $150.00 to get this done- so if you can spare some change please send it our way.

I hate asking for money. I feel like the bums on the street that have signs that say “Obama wants change and so do I.” But I find myself in the position that I can’t take a job because I can’t leave Mike and because of his hospitilization and all the trips to the doctors, surgeons, specialists etc- our household budget is going to gas and medical equipment.

My friend Louise who runs alley cat rescue tells me “If you don’t ask for money, they will think you have it.” Truth be told I don’t and kittens get awfully cold in the wintertime and it would be nice to not have to put them into cages at night in the bedroom to keep them warm. It stresses them out and sets us back in the bonding time.

So if you can spare something- we need it- if you can’t I totally understand. Times are tough these days and most of you already rescue in your corner of the world-

Kitties are eating and I am so thrilled!


4 thoughts on ““Houston we have lift-off!”

  1. Truly bizarre logic at the Safeway! It’s unclear to me whether they understand what “senior catfood” is supposed to be.

    I’m glad the kittens are eating.

  2. What a wonderful thing to happen. It’s great to see them eating on their own. You are doing a great job for these babies.

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