Day’s thoughts

Two more kittens are showing signs of not feeling good- they are part of the toxic rescue. I am giving supportive fluids, antibiotics and they are eating Recovery. The vet says if they can make it past the five day mark, they have a chance of surviving this disease. One foot in front of the other is the only way I can get through the day.

Mid-90’s today and yet Mike spent the majority of the day wrapped up in a heavy blanket…signs of things to come I suppose. It is supposed to cool down tomorrow which means he will want me to turn on the heater for him.

Sullivan, Willow and Toad cannot understand why mom’s lap keeps moving. If I even get a chance to sit down, they are right on top of me claiming my lap and fighting for space. Such sweet kittens and as soon as I know it is safe, I hope to find them loving homes. They have had their first vaccinations and are waiting for the boosters.

I take McGee back to the vet in the morning to have his drain removed and have him evaluated. This experience seems to have left him ravenous. I have never seen him eat so much! I de-wormed him this morning to see if that might be why he seems to have an endless stomach.

3 thoughts on “Day’s thoughts

  1. Sending purrs to the kitties. Glad to hear McGee is hungry – that’s usually a good sign.

    I had a kitty that got attacked by a mean neighborhood bully kitty. I did not see it right away until the swelling, but his lip got bit. As usual, I found the ouchie on Saturday afternoon when the vet was closed for weekend. Luckily, I was able to clean it up and had meds on hand to help with the infection. By Monday, we was well into healing. Boy, did it stink!

  2. Hot weather here too; just a reminder that summer doesn’t end for another two weeks. I hope all goes well with the toxic kittens, and that Mike feels better, despite his chilliness.

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