
She ate three cans of cat food last night in one hour! 3 cans! Seems that she doesn’t like the dry food variety of food. Glory cried all night non-stop although she wasn’t shut into a room. She has two bedrooms, a hallway and the stair cupboards to get into- but she didn’t care- she wanted me up there with her now. She drools incessently once you start to pet her and head bumps you so hard that unless you are sitting down, she will knock you over!

Methinks she is pregnant- either that or she just bulges. It could be a worm infestation- tomorrow will be the telling point as she goes in first thing in the morning.

Tonight, so I can get some sleep, I will play her the harp of hope CD and also put more night lights in the room for her. Unlike Mike who takes his hearing aids out at night, I can’t remove my ears and cat cries keep me awake no matter who is crying. I finally went upstairs early this morning and laid on the floor with her just to de-stress her. She is so friendly- I can’t believe someone isn’t missing her. I am watching the local lost ads and will put an ad up for her tomorrow. I will say, I will get her spayed before I return her to anyone.

2 thoughts on “Glory-Bee

  1. It makes you wonder how long she might have been on her own if she ate that much in one hour. I understand the cries – she’s lonely and obviously used to human companionship. I’m so glad she found her way to you.
    Marian in Houston

  2. I’m always amazed when strange cats are friendly. Mine hide for days under the bed after we have guests over. And people are so casual about their pets, aren’t they? Maybe someone is missing her, but is ‘too busy’ to do anything about it. Oh dear, I suppose I’m looking at the dark side of human nature. I’ll try to think only good thoughts about Glory-Bee’s future. Thanks for getting her out of the baby-biz!

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