Google is up for adoption

Google is one of many up for adoption and today, I turned down yet another home for her. There have been three families that wish to adopt her- but she is so special and has special needs. I want to be sure that when I leave her at a home, I can pull out of the driveway and look toward Heaven and tell My Father- “God we did good on this one.” Sadly, that hasn’t happened.

I am so glad I insist on pre adoption and post adoption home visits. This last home, the lady was trying to sway me from coming to their home (it was quite far away) and opt instead for a closer location (her mom’s house0. But, as I told her, I want to see the home where the cat might be living so it didn’t matter that she was a bit far away.

When I got there, even before I walked up to the door, something didn’t feel right. For the first time, I left Google in the carrier in the car with Mike and went alone into the apartment.

Ay- yi-yi- the apartment was a mess in so many ways. There was a pug, and two cats already living in the one bedroom along with two adults and two teenagers! The cats were not friendly at all, there was no space for active kitties to even run around and I was appalled that they would even consider bringing another living, breathing creature into their family.

I was nice about it, but I do hate disappointing people but if they can’t even bring themselves to straighten up one room- what type of care would they give to this special needs kitty? Plus they were slovenly in appearance and just overall odd. It was strange and I left quickly.

There is a home for Google out there- I just haven’t found it yet-


4 thoughts on “Google is up for adoption

  1. I an so grateful you have chosen to be so discerning, picky, selective and a bunch of other special traits. This is the only life each of these special kitties have. They should have a loving, caring and giving home, at a minimum! Thank you!

  2. I haven’t been volunteering in animal-rescue for long but I know that there is a home for every cat and dog; it just needs finding. You are spot-on in going to visit prospective homes. The organisation I am associated with does the same. It’s true that rejected families ay just pick up a cat from the pound. We can’t safeguard every animal’s future, but we can try our set with the ones in our care. Well done.

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