I think I am home now-

Slowly, they come from where they have been lurking since I have been gone. The first to appear was Tover, my two year old black kitty. Tover’s mission in life is to make it extremely difficult for mom to get on the computer at any time! I hadn’t seen him since I hit the front door, and last night as I typed, I thought I heard him in the room. But he is a black kitty and most of the main lights were off. I didn’t see him.

Suddenly, there he was larger than life in my lap. He head-bumped my chin and looked up at me as if to say: “Where have you been?” Bending my head, I kissed the top of his. He crawled up my chest and lay with his head on my shoulder. Of course, it was my right shoulder as I am right-handed. He always likes to make things difficult! He sensed something amiss and settled in my lap for a snooze.

Next to appear was India. She too is black. She is shy until you pet her and then her shyness abates. She couldn’t get enough pets from me.

I have not seen anyone else approaching me. I understand they are unsettled because even though Mike lives in the same house, they don’t have interaction with him much beyond the living room and hallway. It is difficult for him to get around except in the chair.

They know I am home. My voice carries down the tunnels and they are figuring out that familar routines are just around the corner. It will take time as I have never left them for this long. I don’t really believe that cats get angry with their owners when they leave. I think it is more of a settlement issue. They are set into a routine and it is disrupted. It causes confusion and sometimes even unexpected aggression. But, when the owner returns- things settle down once again to the status quo.

Yesterday, I received 65 bags or dry cat food and 65 bags of kitty litter! Knowing the delivery was on its way, I had to go to the shed outside and rearrange the contents so the food and litter would fit. The delivery is a blessing as things are tight as always.

I am glad to be home but for the first day, it seemed strange not to have Mother yelling at me! LOL Why is it that when we visit our parents, we turn into 2 year olds in their eyes? I know she is stressed and scared but my older sister is there for her now. Gwen has always been her rock. I have always been her crying towel. I’m exhausted beyond belief and my energy comes back when I am in the bedroom and 10 kittens come scampering up to say “Good Morning Mom- here we are! Aren’t we handsome? All is right with the world because we are in it!”

4 thoughts on “I think I am home now-

  1. Your Mom has her rock and now you are home with yours.
    Marian in Houston

  2. Good to hear your kitties aren’t holding any grudges. Happy news about the food & supplies. There is a universal truth in there somewhere about parents; we love them & they drive us crazy.

  3. Yes, our pets have such wonderful rejuvenating powers, don’t they? Whether they help us live longer or whether they shorten our lives – which I’m sure from time to time mine do – they make existence much more enjoyable.

  4. RR says: My cat loves to headbutt me and I find myself looking forward to it, he also gives me kitty kisses, love that little guy so much. Well he not so little he is 15lbs.

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