
One week ago, this wee one weighed 14.5 ozs. This morning, he weighs 12.3 ozs! I have taken him to the vet three times for evaluation. He is eating, he is drinking and he has diarrhea but not huge amounts- just tiny spurts. We have put him on forte flora, then a prebiotic/probiotic powder- changed him over to A/D to try and get weight on and still he loses weight. He is always hugging the heaters (although the room is a toasty 84 degrees) He is constantly shivering and I am at my wit’s end trying to figure this out. He has been dewormed twice so now I am going to try and catch some of his stool to take it in for a fecal. I am thinking giardia or coccidia- but his brothers are growing like weeds- and both of those are so contagious. You can tell he has the feel-bads but I cannot tell you what is wrong with him-

5 thoughts on “Mannix

  1. Mannix, kitteh, you’re going the wrong way. You’re supposed to get fatter, not thinner.

    If he is with his brothers, is he for sure getting a chance to eat? About all we can think of is maybe he is getting pushed out of the way at meal times. (Maybe adding some deli chicken to the mix or something would help?) Most of the time, our problem is a kittie not eating at all, so we don’t really have much to suggest.

    Hang in there, Mannix. We’re purrrrrring for you.

  2. Could he have hyperthyroidism? My Tungsten has it and lost weight despite a growing appetite. She is receiving medicine now and is recovering.

  3. The age is wrong for problems with the thyroid. He gets plenty to eat and he is pooping up a storm so that isn’t it. I will just have to wait till Tuesday when they have an appointment with the vet-

  4. I have an older kitten, 4.5 months, going through the exact same thing. His brother and two sisters are fine. He eats, but nowhere near enough and you can see something is off just by looking at him.

  5. Can someone donate a thick tube sock? Cut a hole for the head and some for the front paws and then cut it just long enough not to cover his back paws. it might give him some extra warmth? Or it might be a completely crazy idea.

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