
Ever since Roscoe went bungee jumping, he has been doing so poorly. Right now, he has a URI that rivals anything I have ever witnessed in a kitty to fight. There are episodes of pure choking, he is grinding his teeth when he eats (evidence he is in pain) He has multiple sneezing fits- tries to wipe his nose away from existence as furiously as he paws himself. He is open-mouth breathing and worrying the hell out of me.

They have put him on three types of medications and he flips out big time when I try to give him his meds. I am talking full on battle- screaming, flipping around, biting, scratching. Forget wrapping this kitten up like a burrito and pushing meds on him- he is having none of it.

Because of his recent breathing treatments, visits, meds etc- my vet bill has once again skyrocketed. I really want to take this kitten in to the holistic healer in town- but I am tapped. The kitty holds $10.00 and I need at least $60.00 to get in the door.

Through all of his misery, he seeks me out for comfort. He is in my lap right now, burning up with fever, but I know that subcu’s are out of the question. The only way I have been able to get this kitten to take fluids is to fill up the dog’s water bucket to the brim and put him in front of it. He will then drink. He will take a bit of tuna juice, he is eating- he’s just so damn sick. I know he is miserable, and I am running 3 vaporizers round the clock to give him relief and praying so hard that another one isn’t about to leave us.

But he’s not giving up and our town healer is also an animal communicator. I know, sounds wierd, but he is tapped into them someway.I think the vets have missed something major with this bungee jumping kitty. I want to take this other option and right now, my hands are tied.

6 thoughts on “Roscoe

  1. It’s only “pennies”, but I sent you a small donation – wishing you luck and blessings

  2. pennies add up! They are a blessing and if they give Roscoe a chance- then more power to the pennies!

  3. Hang in there, Roscoe. We’re still purrrrrrring for you.

    Have you tried transdermal (as in, rub on the skin) application? You might have to track down a compounding pharmacy, but some of our kitties have had to go that route.

  4. I have found this not to be that effective with antibiotics- poor absorption rate. I will try L-Lysine and more vaporizers for now. I think he is just so tired of being messed with. The only time he is quiet is when he is on my lap. Mike says the housework can wait- Roscoe is much more important! I have an appointment with the healer on Monday. Hoping what he recommends will not break the bank (even though it is already broken) LOL

  5. It certainly sounds like the vet didn’t get the diagnosis right. I will send you something tonight that will help with the money situation. It won’t be much, but it’s what I can do.

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