
Sweet, wonderful Bentley is now sick with what I pray isn’t panleuk. This is the kitten that loves to headbump me on the chin so hard, he almost knocks my head back. He is always on me, purring, loving on me and now he can barely move. He will go to the vet in the morning- and I will pray so hard tonight that he isn’t just another victim of this horrid disease. I will let you know when I learn more.


8 thoughts on “Bentley

  1. Mary Anne, I am fostering a kitten the vet places at approximately 2 weeks old. I took it to the vet yesterday for a check up and she said it’s not out of the woods yet. It’s still tiny. It got wormed and the vet mentioned that it is possible that it could have a disease that started with a co or cl. She said time would tell. He is eating better and better. Urinates (vet said good color and good amount), sleeps well, likes his tummy rubbed and purrs. He had his bottle this morning and I heard his tummy growling as if he had gas. My concern is that I have had him a day and 1/2 and there’s been no poop. My vet went out of town yesterday so I was not able to reach her to get the name of the disease she mentioned or ask about poop. What do you think? Any suggestions?

  2. I would think the concern would be coccidia. A farther reach would be giarrdia. I would get a probiotic into this kitten along with some canned pumpkin (pure and organic) not the pie mixture that has a ton of spices. Puree the two in the blender with the formula and see what happens. If you want to reach out to me privately via email I can go into another way to get this tiny one to poop. But it isn’t something to just post and let an inexperienced novice have a go at it. I know you could do it- but would prefer to keep it private.

  3. I picked up Bentley this morning because he was eating and drinking and I was so relieved. I took his temp and as I withdrew the thermometer- he had an episode all over the sink and all over me. His temp was normal. I do know that cats with stunted tails do suffer from internal issues. I pray that it is something fixable, because honestly, if I lose this boy- I will lose it myself. He is so very special to the both of us and I am scared he will not be returning home with me.

    I do know with distemper you don’t get reprieves. You don’t have bad days, then good days, then bad days again. You have bad days and worse days and then dead days. That is the hope that I am clinging to- that this is not distemper but something else internally that can be fixed.

  4. We have emailed before but I was not able to locate your address.
    I would like to hear the additional advice. You have my address on this posting. Thanks!

  5. Oh no, more sad news. I’ll think of Bentley all day and hope for the very best outcome for him and you.

  6. Purrrrring for Bentley. You have lost enough kittehs already, MA.

    We hope that Marian’s little kitten is OK, too, and just needs a little help on the output end.

  7. He surprised me at lunch with a good poop and a little bit this afternoon. He seems to have had some gas with both. He just had a taste of his bottle and moved around a bit and when I picked him up to burp him he gave a loud belch you could hear across the room.
    I hope that’s all it is – gas I mean. And I’m still praying for Bentley and Mary Anne. Thanks again for the advice. Marian

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