
She is out of pain now. She started plummeting downhill so fast. I rushed her in and they were trying to see if they could save her and wanted to see how high her temp was- the tech tried to put the thermometer in and this cat, she screamed so loud in pain I wanted to slam the vet tech’s head into the wall! I told her not to take her temp that I was taking her in to be euthanized, but she was new and following the rules. 🙁

The vet came in and even before the needle found it’s mark, Google was dead. She had no reserve left- she was done.

7 thoughts on “Google~~~~

  1. ugh…I wonder if we could have an “over the bridge” spot on this blog for all those who have been released from this dreadful virus. I went back to see a picture and re-read a little on Google. She was a cutie!

  2. The Over the Bridge Spot would more than fill the page. All of this because of one simple vaccine that no one in my area at least believes in or practices. I think they would rather buy beer then pay for the shots for their cats. Even dogs- the vet said last night that in the last three weeks (since the heavy rains) the clinic has seen 9 cases of Parvo in puppies and now even the older dogs are contracting it.

    My vet had gone home for the night, so it was another who came in and questioned me about putting her down. I know when these animals are done. I have been at this a long time and seen a lot of suffering. After it was over, she sort of mumbled under her breath that it was the right decision based on how fast Google wanted to leave her virus-ridden body. I know one of her concerns is the bottom dollar for the clinic. I know this euthanization bill is major-high. I’ll get it covered somehow, but I will be damned if I let an animal suffer on extra minute when that cat is telling me with every pore that exists in its body that he/she wants a quick pass to the Bridge. I cried all night and probably will continue to do so, but I don’t think it is over yet.

    This vet told me that all cats come into contact with distemper virus every day and they build up an immunity to the disease over time- or they succumb to it. For these older kittens (she says) they have never even been close to the virus which is why they leave so suddenly. Google came from a feral pig farm that was so filthy a month worth of showers weren’t enough to rid me of the smell. She was one of two survivors of a large litter of kittens. She almost died on us twice when she was a kitten, then she gets adopted out to a good family and ends up getting mauled by a dog they were pet sitting! She survived that and now she is gone- poof. They told me she had been fully vaccinated- truth is- they lied.

  3. It’s so hard when you have to fight the techs at the vet’s office during a time like this. I am so sorry. Google tried her best and so did you. You honored her. You loved and respected her.

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