
She was indeed spayed today and she went through it with flying colors. They had her on oxygen the entire time and they had a tray of “what if’s” nearby should she suddenly take a turn for the worse. But my vet uses a three cocktail drug combination that doesn’t even include the original drugs she was first given. She was in there a bit longer because they were being cautious and they saw evidence that she has had a LOT of litters. NO more of that now!

She is back in isolation, hiding under the supply cabinet- so I just draped it with a blanket and turned the heater on fairly high. It is going to be 20 degrees tonight! YIKES! She did come out and went into her customary hiding place (between my knees) but she is still loopy because they kept her under so long. I think she will be fine and hope the food I left for her will be gone in the morning.

6 thoughts on “Agatha

  1. We in Houston are at a balmy 55 and it’s not even 7:30 am yet. Cheers to precious Agatha for coming through her surgery. I continue to think that her past lot in life was due to the people misunderstanding her. Now she has people in her life that are working towards doing just that – learning about her and her needs.

  2. I figured Agatha would be all right with more modern doctors than she’d had. Still, it’s good that they were ready to handle an emergency if it had happened. The poor girl has probably had more than a litter a year, being out on her own. Things will be much better for her from now on.

    And it’s minus 20 here (centigrade); we’re hoping it will warm up to 20 (Fahrenheit).

  3. I just pulled my carharts out of the drawer and put them on. 20 degrees (F) this morning! The wet food will be put out for the outside cats as they stay warm by eating and finding unfrozen water. I need to get a heated water bowl! I braved the elements last night and slept with Agatha. She was coughing and hacking the whole night- most likely due to the tube she had down her throat the majority of yesterday. A few times she came over to lay next to me- but she was restless and alert and she didn’t eat a thing. I am sure her throat is preventing that. I gave her a syringe of warm baby food this morning and put warm water in her kibble. It was warm in that room but when I stepped outside in the yard- YIKES! BRRR! You would never know I used to live in Alaska the way I hot-footed it back to the house.

    Now it’s time to feed the masses. God Bless Carharts, at least it will be a warm feed for me-

    Here she is the morning after her spay- still alert but a bit more relaxed:


  4. I have two outdoor running pet fountains- takes water a bit of time to freeze that is running. I also just take out water to them several times a day when it gets so cold that the fountains do freeze up- like they just did at noon! Can I say it again…BRRRRR!

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