Passing the baton-

I’ve come to the realization in my life that I can’t really do it all (no matter how much I like to think that I can!) With Mike’s illness and subsequent failing health, me, working outside the home, trying to finish writing assignments and keeping up with the property and the housework plus caring for my own animals- well there is little me left over at the end of the day. Sometimes, I feel like I am just going to shake apart. It’s just to much anymore. People don’t listen, they won’t spay and neuter- there are boxes of kittens being given out like candy on halloween in every shopping center within 50 miles. My phone rings incessantly with tales of woe about kittens being found and I hate this when the caller says “Well, if YOU won’t take them- then I can’t be responsible for WHAT happens to them!” I used to cave when I heard that- but now, I just respond with “It’s not my fault those kittens were born, it’s YOURS!” Then I hang up the phone.

I am passing my bottle baby baton over to another caregiver. It is time for me to step down and teach others the joys and tribulations of raising bottle babies.

Older kittens are fine, it’s just the ones that require feedings around the clock that are taking their toll on me. I wake up in the morning so tired my entire body is numb. Catching only short naps between feedings has left me fuddle-brained. I’ve been doing this umpty-dozen years now. It is going to feel very strange (almost empty) to stop now- but it’s time. Hailey is a vet tech so she won’t suffer those panic moments when the kitten gets sick of not knowing what to do to make it better. She now has possession of the latest arrivals- and mama kitty and her litter are now back with their owner.

The minute the last kitten left our home, the resident cats came back and stayed with us. It’s always amazing to me to see the changes in my crew both when the kitten arrives and when it leaves. The house is settled now, the older cats napping in selected cool spots- it’s going to be 90 degrees today. Even the kitty dragster track has taken a sabbatical. The drapes and the fireplace are no longer substituting as a rock-wall event and the floor is no longer moving in a flurry of activity. They all know the newest batches are gone and peace reigns.

It was a difficult decision for me to make- but it was the right one.

1 thought on “Passing the baton-

  1. I started to feed a feral cat at my condo complex before I knew what feral meant. The reason I started would be another long story but lets just say there are no coincidences.
    After about a year (plus or minus) the cat named Ghost (all white) brought 3 babies with her 1 day. 2 all white and 1 gray stripped. The neighbor (a cat lover) who had taken Ghost’s brother and mate (we think) had him fixed, and made him into a house cat. Ghost does not want anything to do with people or inside and that’s fine with me since I am allergic. When the kittens seemed not to be nursing, and eating dry food, I set about capturing Ghost. On Monday, she was spayed, given shots, checked for disease and all she had was worms. The vet took care of those and tipped her ear. She is now residing in my garage in a big cage and will be set free on Sunday. In the meantime I have caught 1 kitten. We will keep trying to catch the other 2.

    If I hadn’t come across your blog the outcome may have been very different. Your passion, your talent, is in your writing. The rest of us out here have to step up to the plate and do what’s right. You should be able to take a break and take care of Mike and yourself.
    God bless you!

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