PetSafe plays Santa Claws to animals in shelters nationwide!

For every like on their facebook page- PetSafe will send one toy per like to a needy dog or cat waiting to be adopted in shelters across the United States. Many of these cats and dogs are bored, cage-restless or in kennel shock and I am sure the toys would help them alleviate their behavior issues. Please spread the word through social media and lets see if we can help these dogs and cats have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy Mew Year!

On a personal note, we finally have water (although not to use my washing machine). But cold water and hot water is now flowing freely in our home. I have a ton of cleaning to do and I had to just now send Mike to his doctor because his leg looked horrible this morning. 🙁 I think it is because he was on it so long in the last three days. We couldn’t have survived what we went through without the help of good friends here- otherwise, I doubt Mike and I would have water right now. I just pray it isn’t as bad as it looks. I know he doesn’t want to spend another day in the hospital ever again.

Patience has resurfaced and she has brought a new friend with her. He looks like a grown up Bentley. He is a manx mix and he is skin and bones. He is eating and quite skittish. They seem to like each other and thankfully, he is neutered. Although she is spayed as well.

3 thoughts on “PetSafe plays Santa Claws to animals in shelters nationwide!

  1. Glad you have water again. Funny how I seem to take something like that for granted.

    Also happy to hear patience is back with a new friend, and it seems that he needs your help. She must know she can trust you.

  2. You don’t realize how often you open the faucet until nothing comes out, especially with as many kitties as you have.

    Glad things are starting to get back toward normal for you, at least a little.

  3. It’s time like these that we realise how much we’ve come to depend upon modern conveniences. I’m glad your water is back on. Let us know how Mike’s leg is; it must be frustrating to him not to be able to use it as much as he’d like.

    Patience knows where a cat in trouble can go for help!

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