Digging out!

Never in my wildest dreams did I think I would be digging snow out from in front of the cat enclosure door here in Oregon! In Alaska, we planned for that because that’s what happens in Alaska, it snows A LOT! But in Oregon? I did manage to get into the enclosure and get the food out for the kitties. They can get into the house through the tunnels, but not me- I just don’t fit through those dang things! I suppose in a dire emergency I could fit but it wouldn’t be pleasant to see.
So much snow on the ground and the barn kitties love the new heated water bowls a Saint sent them this last Christmas. It’s 21 degrees in my neck of the woods- what is it in yours?

I put out an ad for Stumbles adoption and I received almost immediately a reply from a lady in Corvallis. She has been looking for another cat for 6 months now. I applaud her for not making spur-of-moment decisions on adding another cat to her home. We’ve had a few emails back and forth, and my hope is she is just letting the idea simmer in her brain for awhile and then she will get back to me. There is a strong possibility IF I can find the right home for him, that he won’t have to spend much more time at the vet’s. I also gave her my blog address so she can check me out a bit. What you see here is what you get in real life. I just put my life out there and hope someone learns something along the way (and that would also include me in the learning).

I want to go and visit him today, but there is a warning to all to stay indoors and not drive unless absolutely necessary. Although I can drive in this stuff (after the crash course in Alaska) *G* It’s the other people I worry about. So I will stay home and hope the techs are giving him lovins.

The vet said yesterday the leg has stopped swelling! YAY! NO bone infection DOUBLE YAY! He seems to be tolerating his cast well and all he wants is someone to pick him up all day and carry him around. What a lover. I hope Laura and I can meet, she sounds like the type of person I am always looking for to adopt traumatized kitties!

5 thoughts on “Digging out!

  1. We’ll trade you. Our high yesterday was 7°F. Weather Underground is predicting temps all the way up to 14°F today. Toasty!

    Dave (our brother) lived in Los Angeles for a while, and he used to laugh at L.A. reactions to winter. Half an inch of snow, and the whole town freaks out and shuts down — as in cops blocking all the freeway entrances, radio stations warning everyone to stay home shut down.

    PS: “Crash course”? metaphorically, or literally?

  2. It’s always good to hear from people who have thought about adopting for a while before actually doing it. Stumbles will need more care than other cats for the first while, and that needs someone patient.

    I take it Oregon doesn’t usually receive much snow. It’s best not to travel unless you must. Stumbles will be all right for a day or two.

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