Down from the Rafters

Here is Noah, who now will come down out of the rafters as soon as he hears me enter the shop. Someone has put love into this tom- but for right now, I am just not going to trap him. I don’t want to traumatize him and believe in about a week, he will allow me to just put him in the carrier and take him to the vet. I’ll get him neutered then release him outside. If he does belong to someone, then when he gets home- they will be surprised by his missing parts! Most of the neighbors don’t care for cats in the manner I do. I was told yesterday that on the back road, there is a gentleman and his wife who “collect kittens.” They bring them inside and love on them until they are tired of them (or until the kitten grows into a cat) Then they put them outside and ignore them and go get other kittens and start the process over..sigh. I have to wonder if he is part of the “ignored group.” I can’t get on their property- it’s heavily fenced with scary signs that I would just as well steer clear of. Some of these people living rurally are a bit “odd.


4 thoughts on “Down from the Rafters

  1. Our rural neighborhood is the same, so casual with their cats. Here today, gone tomorrow. I TNR any cat that walks thru my backyard, especially the Toms. Their life is so much better without their bits.

  2. I need help. My cat of nine years refused to come down from rafters. He has been there for 2 years. I feed him and have water there and a litter box Of late now he is not using the litter box. Now I must get him down or I will have a mess in the rafters and a smell. I have tried it all. Please help. Thank you

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