Well Life is full of Changes

We have been hampered in our plans by nasty weather, thick mud and even our 4WD with mud tires can’t pull our trailer out of the backyard because of all the mud. So Plan B was put into effect. Instead of hauling that cumbersome dog kennel over here- we are going to (tomorrow) turn the stalls into a cat enclosure. We did a quick trip to Home Depot and as we shopped for chicken wire, rubber/vinyl matting flooring and other supplies needed for this project- I talked to all who worked there about the 10 in Need. The result is we got 10% off the order some special items thrown in at a reduced cost, and we were able to get everything needed to turn these stalls into a cat enclosure for under $400.00 which is darn good because quite soon the Kitty is going to need to be fed again.

The plan is to make a chicken wire enclosure-using the small mesh wire so the coons can’t even get a paw into the wire- and use this to enclose the entire stall/barn. I bought some vinyl flooring so we can make a master litterpan without the waste going into the dirt and causing a major stink over time. It will be a big sandbox. We will use 2×2 and 2×4’s to block access to the outside from the rafters (there is space between the rafters and the roof that cats could get out of. We will build them platforms and tunnels etc (over time) and it should be a really nice place for them.

We are looking to transporting cats and their equipment on Sunday. I will take photos as we progress so you can see what the devil I am talking about. Right now I am so tired, I can’t see straight. Tomorrow I meet with the claims advisor of a local store to see if I can get them to donate food and litter to our sanctuary. If you could just pray that I don’t blow this interview, I would appreciate it. I am so much better with the written word than I am talking with people. I can talk to cats all day long- but that doesn’t count I suppose. I will do the best I can to represent our sanctuary and let this person know the important work we do-

Now I am going to crawl under the covers with Trinnie and Denver keeping my feet warm and shut my eyes and hope sleep claims me soon.

6 thoughts on “Well Life is full of Changes

  1. maybe you can make up a power point presentation explaining what you do and include some pictures to make it a little easier for you in the interview.

    **** dang it I wish I had thought of it a few days ago. ***

  2. What I know about power point you could fit in a teaspoon. Instead, I am using our stories, our photos, our contracts etc.. I will show them our website (I will be taking my laptop) and hope that is enough. I am more than a bit nervous as so much is riding on this and I will just end it this way as I don’t wish to jinx this important meeting. We typically can spend over $500.00 a month in just cat food alone-

  3. If you think it would help, we could send emails to prove you do indeed have readers. (assuming that info matters to whoever you are talking to)

    Purrrrrss that things work out for everyone.

  4. speak from the heart – if this is the right place, it is more about what and how you are DOING things and not how you say it (though pictures help too). Can’t wait to see the new enclosure.

  5. Could you offer lots of goodwill (aka “Free Advertising” to a biz person) thru your site? I don’t know, maybe by posting a link to their co. or saying their name in your blog posts, etc…? Kitty supplies for Free Advertising is a great trade for them & you. And I’d hop over to their link, again & again, if it helps you get kitty food & supplies.

  6. Those are some good suggestions for your interview. I don’t have any, so I’ll limit myself to wishing you luck tomorrow. Let us know how it goes.

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