I have been praying deeply all night-

This is what I have decided to do and I want to thank all of you who weighed in, got me a bit calmer and made me look at the situation a bit differently. When it comes to the welfare of cats, I tend to sometimes get a bit anxious for their situation and not look at the whole picture.

This woman is a bully and a liar. I don’t tolerate either. She may think she is coming here to run the show, but I have news for her- God is in control. I will stay calm, I will not engage or insult her. I will give her two options.

1) She can sign the release form, give me the rest of the “ten” and get the heck out of dodge. I will tell her if I see her near our property again, I will have her arrested for trespassing.

2) So, they are her cats- she can go back with me to the barn, capture all her cats, put them back in the carriers they came in and she can take them with her EXCEPT for Juno and Gadget. She does not get them back until she pays me for the vet visits on their behalf as well as the feline specialist visit. Once I have the cash in hand, she can have them back as well. If she wants to see Juno, she can see him through the window only until she pays me what she owes me. Then she is to leave her and have no further contact with me or Mike.

Now I will be getting on the phone and calling the deputy and asking if I am within my rights to ask this of her.

Thanks for listening-

Legally- the cats are out of luck. If she presses the issue, I have to give the cats back or she can have me arrested for theft of “property” How sad, cats are only considered “property.”

The day is winding down now. She was a “no show.” The cats are still here.

12 thoughts on “I have been praying deeply all night-

  1. I agree 100% – God is in control. I’ll be praying that she does the right thing and sign. It’s the cats that will suffer, not her if she gets them back. I can not understand people who think animals are disposable.
    Hang in there.

  2. I think you are taking the right course of action. She either legally transfers ownership of the cats to you or she takes them back. There really isn’t any other way to go forward. Since you can’t legally shelter them or have a vet treat them without her permission there is little you can do to help them anyway.

  3. From my friend and feline specialist

    Though I would like to see you tell her to pay for the cats care to get them back, it may not be worth it. If she does come, you may have to see how bad it is and make the decision to give the cats back. I only say this because you need “to live” to fight another day for other cats.

    If she could be so bad to affect your setup, you have to consider that and pray that God will watch the cats. Maybe at some point someone you know can report her for abuse and neglect.

    These are now my words: “I can’t fight crazy. I don’t have the energy.

  4. Try to get some rest. This is all so hard. I am thinking she may just be a lot of talk and not much action but regardless, the best decisions cannot be made when you are too tired and stressed to breathe through them. And I agree with your friend… you need to live on to take care of other cats. If you have to give these back, well you have a ready made sanctuary for the next group

  5. Perhaps she won’t want to go through all the bother. Make it as difficult for her as you legally can. People hate being inconvenienced.

  6. I like your plan. Now that you’ve set your boundaries, it will make it easier to deal with the next drama. Bully & Lair, that does change things. Out of control due to grieving, loss & desperation is one thing we can all understand but Bullying sounds a lot more intentional, even implies a certain clear headedness. My thoughts are with you and the cats. Be strong and be safe.

  7. I would wait to see if she signs over her ‘property’ before threatening trespassing charges.

    Poor cats. I hope they end up in your care, not hers.

  8. Yes, please be safe. No telling what this woman will do! I just hope she doesn’t try and get on to your property and destroy anything and take those precious fur babies. I will continue to pray for safe keeping for you all.

  9. Why is it that the cats always make sense and behave better than the humans?

  10. Because their world is far easier to live in than ours. This is why there are so many cats in need of homes, their survival instincts (except during mating season) is really non-confrontational. Unless they feel threatened.

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