Small steps toward socialization

This morning, the handyman came back to help finish the job inside the enclosure. With no word from Karen, I am just going to continue on as if I know what I am doing and help these cats move forward toward new, loving homes. It has been determined that the only way to help these cats is keep them on a steady diet of wet food with supplements until they gain strength and don’t wobble across the floor when they walk. It breaks my heart when I go in to feed because when I am mixing the wet food and supplements together on the table, four of them have their noses deep into the food and are trying to get it all before it goes away! They will be de-wormed again in about three weeks but their hunger is palpable. The food donations are amazing and contain dry food and cat litter. I keep praying a forklift will go through some wet food cases- but I guess that is a selfish prayer.

George and I worked all morning and we were able to screen in all the wire around the front of the cat enclosure until we ran out of screen. We are using pet proof screening to keep the yellow jackets out when the weather gets warmer. They love wet food and I am not about to have a nest of yellow jackets fighting these cats for what is rightfully already belonging to the cats.

I have strung a tarp up over the front to keep the cold and wind out and it was hard for me to keep having to unhook the tarp and bring it down when the weather got nice so kitties could get much-needed sunshine. George came up with a grand plan. We stretched a cable across the front of the building and using caribiners we made the tarp into the system of a shower curtain. I unhook one hook in the morning- grab the rope and draw the entire tarp back and out of the way. I love this guy!

We built another heat cave for the cats in the barn. They were all clustered around the heater this morning when I went inside to feed.(It dipped to 20 degrees!) I was glad to see that the idea that kept Cyclone with us longer will also work for these depleted kitties.

On the Gadget front, using welding gloves, I am able to pet him and his growls and hisses are quite formidable! It’s a few pets in the day before I feed him and my hope is eventually the gloves can come off and we both will be friends. He has found his heated cat bed at night and appears to only want wet food instead of dry- it figures! LOL I have tried soaking dry food in broth, water, tuna juice, but it just doesn’t work for these cats. One could care less and the others need it to continue to survive.

new heating cavehc

5 thoughts on “Small steps toward socialization

  1. It’s just my name for it. It is a fully insulated wooden box with a hinged side. A small heater runs inside during the night to give kitties heat and the insulated sides provides them with plenty of warmth that stays around. There’s one small entrance hole in the front and a fireproof rug inside so kitties can be comfortable

  2. I bet they all stay in the “heat cave” over night. I sent a little something to help you get some wet food for them!

  3. Sue, Bless you! This morning as I drew the tarp back, they ALL came out of the “cave” I was glad to see it because it got into the low 30’s last night. They seem to be adjusting to the heat cave a lot easier than they are to me. But I think the box is less threatening- LOL

  4. that is so great, I hope you have heard the last from her, but my thoughts go out to the ones she still has. I will pray for them to be safe!

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