
My desire to scoop up this neglected, almost hairless cat and cuddle her in my arms sits on the backburner at the moment. She is gaining strength by the minute. Her actions towards me show that she has not been socialized and earlier was so docile because she was so near gone. She is willing to prove this point with a lot of moxy and one shredded thumb now stands as her first victim.

Ordinarilly, in this neck of the woods, orange cats are males.. In the past, the orange females who arrive here have all had exceptional personalities. I do not believe she will be an exception. I just think she needs time.

The hair remaining on her body is matting up and last night, I took out my Zoom Groom to try and remove the mats. ZG are great! They don’t pull, there are no wires to scratch delicate skin and the rubber tips deliver a massage at the same time. Well, her reaction was swift and decisive- she wasn’t amused and I had yet another throbbing finger. LOL Gotta love em when they continue to fight despite the odds.

As I laid in bed last night, I could hear her meowing. Her cage is outside the bedroom door. Her meow resembled my stomach noises when I am hungry. She almost sounded like she was drowning in her pet fountain. When I checked on her, she was growling at me, so she was fine.

Her appetite is poor, she is drinking a lot of water and peeing a lot. I am now feeding her a combination of baby food and pure pumpkin. I suspect her tummy is full of matted fur and that could go very badly for all of us.

Another stray was captured yesterday. We called her Grace because she didn’t grace our presence very long. Her immune system was so depleted- they could see through her blood but she tested negative for the diseases. But she was done and she left quickly to go to the angels. My Daddy is getting a lot of feline company these days.

5 thoughts on “Charity

  1. For now, a bit of fight in Charity may be a good thing, well, except for your ouches, of course. These new strays seem to have so little of anything left in them. My thoughts go out to you and to Grace. She’s the 3rd to say good bye from this group?

  2. Yes, she is the third and I hope the last. Most are pencil thin but they are eating and drinking outside.

  3. It sounds like Charity is all right for the moment. You’ll need to get her to a vet, eventually, and that will be the tough bit. But I do like the orange girls – rarities, like my own Tungsten.

  4. She’s been to the vet a few days ago. They want to run a complete blood panel on her but they want her stronger first.

  5. We hope you are seeing a human vet as well, especially if Charity gotted you with her teeths. You probably already know this, but cat bites are nothing to trifle with. If they were trying to design something to inject bacteria, cat fangs would be a pretty good starting point.

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