Another day in the life-

I stayed home today from taking Mike to Portland so I could attack this house and get it clean. I was out on the patio looking out into the yard and thanking God for such a nice day and I see Bentley in the field trotting toward the house. He had this long thin big object in his mouth. At first, I thought it was some sort of a rope- but then he stopped and flung it high into the air and caught it. He was closer to the house by this time- middle of our backyard and I see this snake in his mouth! Holy smokes! It wasn’t a tiny snake either.

I ran outside and grabbed a small shovel and a deep bucket  (I hate snakes) he threw the snake up again- and missed it- and it bit him! He squealed- and backed away and I could see by this body language he was going in for the kill. I got there and picked the snake up with the shovel and dropped it into a bucket.

He was bleeding pretty badly and limping, so snake in a bucket and kitty in a towel went off to the vet. I looked at the snake and the pattern looked like a rattlesnake, but thankfully no rattle on the end of the tail. Turns out it was a gopher snake. They are aggressive but not venomous.

He will be okay- he got a shot and they cleaned his wound and said to keep him quiet for a few days- which will be impossible to do but I will try.

My cats have caught snakes before, but they were garter snakes nothing else. I was afraid it was some sort of exotic snake that escaped. I don’t do snakes. I did go to a local river park and release the snake off the trail far away from where the public likes to hang-out. It started to come after me when I shook it out of the bucket, but I stamped my feet and it took off into the underbrush.

Silly kitty! Gave me quite the scare!

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6 thoughts on “Another day in the life-

  1. My mother always said that bravery was being afraid of something but doing it anyhow. Mary Anne, you are brave! Afraid of snakes and still getting it into a bucket and off to the vet – cat, bucket, snake, and all. You are quite the heroine. Go Mary Anne!

  2. LOL I was hanging onto that bucket with one hand and driving. I did NOT want that snake loose in my car! Although I am sure Sir Bentley would have dispatched it in fine style.

  3. OMG, I’m with you! I hate snakes! Bravo Maryanne! Thank God Bentley is fine! The Vet should have a room with your name on it! Hahahahahaha! Keeping you in prayer!

  4. Joann, I’m not sure, but I think I might have paid for his new car this year! *G* Mike keeps saying, I just need to take a tent and sleeping bag and camp out in the parking lot- LOL

  5. I swear, all snakes look like rattlers to me. Bucket and shovel, Very Brave!
    Oh dear, in the past, I used just a shovel. Kind neighbors asked me to call if I need their bravery to export a snake. Next time, I intend to take them up on their offer!

  6. That was a close call for Bentley. Maybe it will cure him of tackling snakes, though I doubt it. He’s a brave fellow. But I feel for the snake, too. He was just minding his own business and was attacked by a tiger. No wonder he was angry enough to go after you, too. I’m glad you let him go afterward.

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