Pumpkin’s visit

The vet put some numbing drops into her eyes and lo and behold, she could open both eyes! She was like a different kitty, she climbed up on my chest and sat on my shoulder and looked at the world. She was gnawing my fingers, she was lying on my chest and she reached her paws up and gently touched my chin. I believe she was telling me thank you. The bad part is we still don’t know exactly what is wrong with her yet. She does have ulcers in her eyes and normally, they would do what is called a third eye flap. They go in and stretch the third eye up over the eye and stitch it to the top of her forehead (to allow the eyes to heal) It is about an hour surgery and a 10 day hospital stay, but he doesn’t want to do it because of all the swelling in her eyelids.

He doesn’t like her skin disease either- it’s not ringworm or demedex mange but what it is no one seems to know. It is spreading. So, for now, she is on a new non-steroid eye drop and special food because she isn’t gaining much weight. We know her immune system is shot- and there are a lot of secondary things wrong with her, but he said he would feel better if he could at least find the primary reason for her eyes to be so swollen (inside the eyelids). He tried to look behind the eyes for a foreign object, but she wasn’t THAT numb and wouldn’t allow it.

She is back home now and hiding from me at the moment because I just put her drops in her eyes. He is compounding some new medicine for her skin condition, but it won’t be ready until tomorrow. She spent the majority of the visit in my arms as she wouldn’t settle anywhere else. He told me I work magic with these cats, and I told him yeah and now I have to work a miracle and get this bill paid down.

By the time I got back home, her bad eye was once again closed, but at least she had a few hours of sight to enjoy. I asked him if he thought she would lose her eyes- and he says right now it is to early to tell. Lets hope the new meds jintimycin sulfate will help her. He agrees with me, she is in a great deal of pain- but he didn’t want to muck up the works and give her pain pills without knowing more about what is going on. He called her my puzzle child! LOLĀ  Amen to that!

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