The Great Pumpkin

Her eyes (both of them) have been fully visible since Friday. No squinting (as of yet) You can see a bit of puffiness on the lower third eyelid, but she looks so good compared to what she used to look like! She is still not very hungry, but this URI has really wacked her. She still will eat a bit of Dave’s canned food but not much else. Even the AD has lost its attraction.

You can see Pumpkin in this photo. Her eyes are still sensitive to the light so she closes them every time. But hereĀ is some of the clowder chillin out this morning:



Here she is celebrating her eyesight! She was a whirling dervish all day but I managed to get one photo of her before she scampered off to the next toy!



When Alaska got sick the other day, I assumed it was the antibiotics that were making her ill. But last night, I was up and down with her all night. She has got what is possibly the worst tapeworm invasion I have ever encountered on a cat! Because she is Siamese, she is very vocal about not feeling well and whatever place those parasites were coming out of last night- she damn well told me far in advance. Poor girl- she was in so much pain passing the adult tapes (something I have never seen before) I just have always seen the segmented tapes, she was moaning before morning.


I just dosed her with profender and gave Slater a worming pill as well. Now her appetite is HUGE and Slater also passed a passel of worms.He is now asleep snuggled down in Mike’s arms. It was a rough night here for Alaska.

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