“Slater Gator”

That’s the name I have given to Alaska’s 3 month old kitty who has decided (after his neuter) that the miller place is quite scary; what with a wheelchair that sometimes bangs into walls, countless kitties skittering about and humans GASP two humans (on good days) and then there was just one human left! Too much to deal with!

So, this beautiful long-haired semi-feral boy has decided to live under the kitchen cupboards. His mission in life, I have decided is to provide a heart attack to the one human left for now, so he can have undeclared domination of the house. He waits until the still of the night and then he plays tag among my pots and pans- blowing open the cupboard doors and flinging pots and pans all over the floor! Makes the most unholy of noises in the middle of the night.

He also delights in scaring the scrud out of me by leaping on me from his vantage point under the sink. He generally waits until I have a glass of water in my hand, he gets more points if he can spill the water on the floor. Plus, he gets to lap up the water while I go for a bit of a stiffer drink once he startles me.

One of his favorite games comes when I am washing the dishes. He waits until I am fully involved in this lovely chore and then he bats at my waist from underneath the counter. There is shelf down there (barely large enough for my hand to get through) but he is a skinny boy under all that hair and he can lay there and just bat the devil out of me with his claws.

I figure one day in the future, this gorgeous boy will figure out that life here isn’t really all that scary and he will come out and join the others. I do see him at feeding time and using the litterpans (thank God he’s not taking bathroom breaks in my cupboards!

So I admire him from afar and I do get to startle him from time to time when he decides to come out from hiding and join the group. He stays with the cats until I walk close to him and then ZOOM off he goes leaping into that narrow space that he calls “home.”

1 thought on ““Slater Gator”

  1. He has spirit and a sense of fun, and he does join the others from time to time. I think you’re right: he will come out permanently some day and join the rest of society.

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