I am so mad, I could spit nails!

Yesterday, I went to pick up the pet food donation early (because of the holidays). When I got home, I pulled into the driveway and opened the back of the truck. One of the barn cats jumped in (out of the rain) and I didn’t want to shut him in there so I left the top opened on the Suburban. I pulled out the cat litter first and ran it to the shed in back to put it away. When I got back all the canned cat food that had been donated was gone as well as some of the dry food. Who does that? I have some kitten food (canned) to feed but now it is the adults going without canned food because some slob took it upon themselves to help themselves to the canned cat food.

I feel like I did when we first moved here and planted our garden out in the front of the house only to come home during harvest time and find the homeless helping themselves to our potatoes, tomatoes and peppers! It is just a violation on so many levels. Most of the canned food is dented or crushed, yet they still took them. I have dry food thankfully- but the temp dropped to 32 last night and the barn cats keep warm by eating wet food. I can’t offer that this morning and the kitty is down to $12.00 which wouldn’t buy enough canned food to feed the masses here.

Well, I guess it is like Mike said- they must have needed it more than us. Serves me right to leave the truck in the driveway with the rear door open. At least they didn’t steal the truck! LOL  Gotta laugh, otherwise, I might cry.

Happy Thanksgiving ALL- Please stay safe if you are traveling or just staying home and give each of your furry ones a big hug- Sue, we are praying for you and Bob.

Love you guys!

10 thoughts on “I am so mad, I could spit nails!

  1. OMG, why in the world would someone do that? I sent a little something to help buy them some food, I wish it could be more.

  2. You should put cases of canned food on your Amazon wish list. I put Friskies cases on mine (look around for the cheapest cases–they vary quite a bit on Amazon) and I could not believe how many people sent some to me this summer when I was flooded with kittens. Pick ones with Prime shipping, then a case only costs a donor with Prime status only about 11-14 dollars. I’m sorry someone stole your food, especially since it’s such a high to get a donation…but then to have someone walk off with it? That’s sad. Good luck!

  3. I am so sorry. Losing cat food is worse than having the groceries stolen. Humans can figure something else out, the animals depend on us for their food.
    I had somebody grab a few bags of cat food out of my trunk when I was unloading. It was at night and I am thinking they thought they were stealing groceries. it was around $50 worth of food.

  4. How fast would they have to move without being seen? I think most people who steal probably don’t need the swag more than those from whom they steal. They just want something without deserving it.

    I’ll send you a donation tonight when I get home.

  5. Mary Anne I am so sorry., .People can be so evil.. What is the nearest pet store to you? Can you give me a number? Perhaps I can order some cans for you?

  6. I should clarify that the cat food they grabbed were all in plain brown cardboard boxes and four corner tucked sealed. I am sure they “thought” they were grabbing Christmas gifts. As I told Sue, I would have loved to have seen their faces when they found a safe place to look at their “loot” and discovered cans and cans of dented, crushed and sometimes mislabeled cat food cans!

  7. Mary Anne I made a donation to Cats Inc. Hope it helps with the missing food! Happy Thanksgiving! 🙂

  8. Made a wee donation. Wish it could be more but just had to unexpectedly replace my gas water heater!!

  9. Sent a few dollars to help with the food situation. At first I thought, well, maybe those people really needed it and some cats in need would be fed at least. Now hearing that it was unidentifiable as cat food just really saddens me and angers me to no end, I just don’t know what’s wrong with people.

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