He was SO Busted!

Yesterday a local lady presented me with a Safeway gift card for $60.00 so I went and bought (what else) cat food! It was around noon the same time the local high school kids get out for lunch. I was in line with all my cans of food and loading them on the belt when this teenage boy came behind me and clunked down a monster drink. Since the cashier was already ringing up my purchases. I couldn’t let him go ahead of me. So I just kept piling the cat food on the belt. *G*

I was out in the parking lot loading up the canned food in my truck when this same boy went past me to join his friends waiting for him near my truck. He was complaining so loudly about this “lady in front of me, guys you wouldn’t believe it- she had like 48 cans to cat food! It was crazy!” I looked up at them and smiled and said “Actually, it was 52 cans. I run a cat sanctuary at the edge of town, we have 32 litterpans to scoop- anyone want to help us out?”

He mumbled an apology and took off but not before I saw the girl who he was with sock him in the arm and say “You are so rude!”  LOL

I don’t know what happened to manners in school- but we learned ours long ago-

3 thoughts on “He was SO Busted!

  1. Good! Glad the guy was embarassed in front of his friends. And to have the girl with him call him out as well should serve as a reminder that he needs to respect his elders. That doesn’t seem to be present in the world these days. We have 12, 13, 14 years telling their parents what to do and the parents let it happen! Good manners were taught at home in my family. So by the time the child gets to school the pump is already primed. What is wrong with people these days?

  2. We learned manners at home too- such as not to speak when someone else is talking. Be sure to excuse ourselves from the dinner table and never put elbows on the table when eating. But in school we had classes that taught us grace and manners. I kind of sucked at balancing a book on my head while walking. But I did learn the difference between a soup spoon and a dessert spoon and how to set a mean table for company. LOL

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