He got hit by a car

And I watched it happen and darted out in traffic to scoop him up. He was shaken and his back leg is scraped up and he has road rash and is missing a few claws but he got lucky. he only got bumped by the car and rolled.

Right now, he is in our Introduction cage and I have scrubbed out his wounds, put flea treatment on him and will take him to the vet in the morning to get him checked out. He is eating- so that is a plus.

3 thoughts on “He got hit by a car

  1. Mary Anne, your heart must have been in your mouth and all the while you were screaming “No, no. no!” So upsetting to watch something like that happen. Glad you were able to scoop him up, check him out, deal with relatively minor injuries – small cat vs big car NOT a low risk situation! Hope the update after vet visit is also positive.

  2. OMG what an ordeal for both of you, I pray he is ok and does not have any hidden injuries. I can not imagine having to stand there and watch knowing you can do nothing at the moment. Will be waiting for an update.

  3. Just thinking about that makes me realise why people avert their eyes when disaster is about to happen. Wow. I’m glad he is relatively unhurt, and you were there for him.

    Who is he? One of yours? One of the outside cats? A stranger? Whoever he is, he is lucky to have been rescued by you.

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