The Wrath of a Craigslist Member

I have put my kittens up for adoption on Craigslist. The ad has been up about 20 days. It is amazing to me that the people answering the ad considers $20.00 an outrageous fee for a socialized, litter pan trained, dog and cat friendly, vaccinated and neutered kitten!

I told one person (kindly) that if she can’t afford $20.00 for a kitten, then she can ill-afford to be any type of pet owner…

That must not have gone over well because since that email, she has unleased the emails of hell to my inbox! I finally had to block her as her language and her tone grew uglier with each email.

I am very glad that she wouldn’t fill out my “stoopid adobtion form!” Nor would she pay anything towards a “kidden she cold git free!”

I feel sorry for her that she is so full of hate toward a nameless stranger who is simply trying to find good homes for these babies. It must just consume her days as she typically was shooting over ten emails to me on an hourly basis. Now that I have blocked her, I wonder if she has beat her husband up the side of the head with a frying pan, or kicked the dog? She says she has no children (thank God!)

So the black ones are here, they are safe and cavorting about my ankles and feet. Frasier still likes to box, Sharky still loves to bite and there is a new black kitten in the mix and one more on its way soon. Maybe I should just give in to the darkness and call UNCLE! LOL

These kittens are so special and sweet and loving that it boggles my mind when people tell me they want a kitten of color. Last time I looked in a box of crayons- black was a color!

Last night on the way home from work, I saw the true feral cat. In the narrows on a curve, I was driving so slow because of the rain and low cloud cover- a cougar jumped over the guardrail through the mist and landed a short distance from my car. There was no traffic, so I stopped and he was illuminated with my brights. I watched him trot across the road and vanish into the woods on the other side. I have seen so many deer down from the hills right now as it is hunting season. I suspect, he is following his food source and went down to the Santiam River for a drink. He was absolutely gorgeous and I was grateful that no cars were on the road at that time of night, except for mine.

1 thought on “The Wrath of a Craigslist Member

  1. How lucky you are to have actually seen a cougar in the wild! I have seen a bobcat in the wild, but never a cougar…

    I cannot understand the woman refusing to pay twenty bucks for a kitten with all its shots — you’re right, she can’t afford to have a pet. And, she’s so dense I’m glad you didn’t give in to her demands.

    Lastly, despite your decision to give up cat rescue, God must have a different idea — He has made you a “cat magnet”!!! Hope your holidays are filled with love and contentment.

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