Shimmer and Benson

The two kittens have been in foster care for quite awhile. Last night, I received a frantic call from the daughter telling me I needed to come immediately the kittens were “sick.”

Turns out the kittens have been sick for quite awhile and no one called me which angers me more than you know. I have used this family for years but right now, they are embroiled in a drama suitable for a reality series about cheating spouses.  Although I can appreciate the crumbling of a long-term marriage, I wish someone had called me sooner. These two kittens are quite the mess. I dropped them at the vet this morning, I don’t suspect they will let them come home, that’s how bad it is. bad nasty URI complete with swollen pink eye and deep hacking coughs which can be either feline herpes to the nth degree or pneumonia. To add to the frustration, these two left here almost socialized and came back almost true ferals again. It took me three hours to capture them inside the bedroom they were stuffed into. What a mess and how sad that two adults with a lovely home life could digress in such a fashion that this happened at all. The daughter told me that her mom has been following the husband all over town and stapling nasty emails on the doors of the motels where the trysts are happening. She almost got arrested for pete’s sake!

Waiting for the vet to call. I just hope it is good news and the kittens can recover-

3 thoughts on “Shimmer and Benson

  1. Good Heavens, what a mess for all concerned. The kittens are of course your concern right now: the people have to sort through their own problems, though it’s too bad the daughter is caught up in it. I hope the kittens are going to be all right. I know from my own rescue-group that foster-homes are hard to find, and once they are not in a position to foster, rarely revert to a suitable condition. Good luck to all.

  2. They have a rip-roaring case of the feline herpesvirus and Benson, the Siamese boy was shaking so hard throughout the exam that they couldn’t even hear his heart or lungs! The one vet called me and asked me if everything was okay at home because of the stress level of both of the kittens! When I told her they had been in foster care, she apologized for thinking my life was falling apart.

    They are both home now, they are in isolation together and they are calm as toast. They are just both really sick and it will be a long road to recovery.

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