God is Certainly Watching Out for me.

Two days ago, I went into the stall enclosure to feed the kittens- and they weren’t there! I looked everywhere for them- grabbed a strong flashlight- looked under over and through everything in the stalls- no cats.  What the heck- where are they? Then I decided to turn off the lights and let the flashlight do the hunting. That’s when I found them- those eyes reflect light at night quite well! There was sitting by the cat door (that led to the catio) a special I don’t know how to explain it. It is a cat toy. It’s wooden there are two big holes in each end, and little holes on each side. I comes with different shaped toys that the cats are “supposed” to drop through the holes- but I just use it as a cat cave basically. It was sitting in front of the wall with only one side of the box opened. I saw the eye shine flash- and I stepped back and squatted down and saw the little buggers had gone into the box- and they had to lay down to do this- but they dug a cave out of the gravel. They were both snuggled down between the walls out of reach watching me.

I was pretty amused at their ingenuity when it dawned on me, that directly next to them was the catio which has a raised deck. I go scrambling outside and laid down in the wet to look under the catio. I see both of them just looking at me- All they had to do was walk out and go into the pasture and they would have vanished. But they were still here! I ran and got boards and plastic and wire and hemmed them in just in case they wanted to leave. They could still have tunneled out underneath all the boards- but they are still here. Thank You God!

There mom is here now as well. She came on Saturday. George built a new cage inside the enclosure for her- so eventually I can reunite the family. But if I just put them together right now- it would be a major cat fight. She is so tiny! I don’t know how many litters this 4 year old girl has had- but that is all behind her now. She is now spayed, vaccinated, chipped, de-flead and de-wormed. She looks just like her babies except they are at one year old- three times larger than she is! I am calling her Pebbles.

George did an amazing job on her new cage- it took him only two hours to put it up.


2 thoughts on “God is Certainly Watching Out for me.

  1. oh my gosh they are crafty little buggers, but they know that they are safe, warm and have food. Thank goodness you were able to spot them and make sure they are secure.

  2. I’m glad they stayed. They must be willing to endure the warm and friendly unknown rather than rsik the cold and cheerless unknown. But it’s just as well to limit their chances of escape. Good work by George, by the way!

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