Update on Orange Mist

He is a boy and he is barely two years old. The reason he looks so hammered is that he has two abcesses one on the top of his face and one on his shoulder which usually means he has been battling with other Toms for dominance of females or for territory. This could also explain his missing eye.

The eye is gone- it is shattered and at the time of this injury he had to be (according to the vet) in tremendous pain, but now the globe has shriveled up and died and the pain isn’t there. The only reason to do the surgery would be for cosmetic reasons so we are not pursuing this at this time.

He has been neutered, his abcesses drained and cleaned. Unsure of how feral he is, the vet is reluctant to put drains in, so we opted for a heavy antibiotic shot and anti-inflammatory. They will de-flea and deworm him for us and I will keep him in the deck enclosure to see how he does with socialization as time goes on.

His canines are busted (probably in the fight) must have been some fight! We are going to call him Bronson because he sounds like he is a really tough guy. Orange Mist just doesn’t fit him at all. I will pick him up before five o’clock and his wandering days are over . Bless his fighting spirit and his heart

3 thoughts on “Update on Orange Mist

  1. The poor boy. Life is not easy for living wild. Absent one eye, with two abscesses, broken teeth – his future would not have been bright, except for you MaryAnn.

    Bronson . . . if he settles down you could then call him Charles, or even Charlie.

  2. A mancat! A tough survivor – though probably not as tough as the fellow he fought. This is why we rescue cats: life in the wild is brutal and ruthless. What pain he must’ve gone through. Even a simple heating pad, like the one you put in the dog kennel for him, must seem a luxury for the boy. Definitely a Bronson.

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