Memorial Day Mishap

Wish I could report a calm weekend, but it didn’t happen. Saturday morning, I took our tractor out to the field to pick up a pile of limbs that came down in a recent storm. As the bucket started to lift the massive pile, all these yellow jackets come roiling out of the ground under the limbs. Holy smokes, tiny and aggressive! Kota was with me and he stepped into the whirlwind and got stung as I ran the heck away from them as fast as my leg would let me. (I am allergic to these insects.) Kota got stung enough times he headed to the creek and jumped in. Smart dog!

When I got back a few hours later- all was quiet. Kota had been called to the house and given some Benedryl just in case before I pulled the stingers out of his tail. I ended up piling hay and straw all over the piled wood, dousing it in gas and torching it. I hope I destroyed all the yellow jackets (wouldn’t have done it if they were honeybees).

Then when I get into the house to rest, PITA jumps on me and his face is so swollen on the left side. I thought at first he had gotten stung, but when I took out the clippers to shave his hair, I saw he had gotten into a fight and a nasty abcess was forming. He was running a high fever and unwilling or unable to eat. I took him to the vet first thing this morning, because treating him for anything, even though he is a lap cat is next to impossible. Especially when he doesn’t feel well.

The vet just called and they had to sedate PITA, lance the wound and put a drain in it. I have to take Mike back to the hospital in a few, so I will be picking PITA up later today to bring him home. I did tell the vet that PITA is terrified of being in a cage, so the sooner they can put him back into his carrier, the calmer he will become. Vet said PITA was scared to death. Poor Kitty- as for me, no rest for the weary I guess. LOL

2 thoughts on “Memorial Day Mishap

  1. I don’t believe you can have a calm weekend, but even so, provoking a nest of wasps sounds like a new one for you. Poor Kota! I’m glad he ran into the water; you’re right, he is a smart dog. At least you were able to get out before any got you. It’s too bad the insects had to be destroyed but they are a menace. And poor PITA. Well, at least that has been seen to.

  2. Are you sure you don’t want to hire a witch doctor to make sure there is no curse on your place? LOL! We had yellowjackets in a railroad tie; bought a can of die-bee-die, and waited until sunset to spray that nest. It worked! Then, we dug out all of the old, rotten railroad ties and got rid of them!

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