
Yesterday, I learned that Cooper (the dog I rescued over 2 years ago) has been diagnosed with cancer. We had to rehome this beautiful three- legged dog after he unexpectedly attacked the plumber a little over a year ago. The plumber had to jump into the well house to avoid being bitten! To this day, I do not know what provoked the attack but we were given two options at the time: either put the dog down or rehome him. My pet sitter ended up taking him in to her home. I missed him so much,  My friend and her husband has had Cooper for over a year.

I knew he wasn’t feeling good as we have kept in touch with each other. But I was not prepared for the vet to find a massive growth in his liver and multiple growths throughout his body. He has been given less than  one to two months to live. 🙁  I did ask that I be allowed to stop by before the end so I could say goodbye to this brave dog.) I hope they grant my request, but they are both so devastated at this news, they may not remember that I asked. Right now, she just doesn’t want to talk about it. I can understand that well.

Here is a picture of Coop the dog that has been through so much in his life- more than most really should have to endure. He was with me when my Dad died and also went back to California for my last visit with my mother before she also passed. He has always loved me and I never stopped loving him. He and Kota used to get together for some rambunctious playdates. I’m so sad for his new challenge before him and sad for Deanna and Jim who have loved him from the beginning. I used to laugh, when I was over there and we were going places. Dee would put her socks on and Cooper would very gently pull them off before she could get her shoes on. LOL

Aww Cooper, I am so sorry. You don’t deserve this. You really don’t

3 thoughts on “Cooper

  1. oh no I do remember Cooper and this is sad news very sad, I’m sorry and will pray for him. He will have a lot of greeters when he get to the rainbow bridge!!!!!!!!

  2. I remember Cooper, too, and am very sorry to read about this. You are quite right, of course, that Cooper has been through a lot in his life. But he has had wonderful people as his friends and care-givers. He was very lucky that you found him a loving home after his incident with the plumber; I have no doubt that you miss him, and always will. There are too many good-byes in our lives.

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