Another Mattie Update

Her bloodwork was alarming. Her WBC is off the charts. It should be between 3.5-19.5 and it is 54! This indicates a massive infection or it can also indicate cancer. If the fever and dehydration and lack of appetite re-occurs they will know it is cancer because she has anti-inflammatory meds on board as well as injectable antibiotics and pain meds. I am to continue with the warm cloths soaks on her belly and give her pain meds every other day. They did not feel a mass or see anything on x-ray that made them take notice. It could also be that the object stuck in her esophagus all that time could have been poisoned or toxic or she got into other garbage that made her this ill. Praying her fever stays away- she is home now.

4 thoughts on “Another Mattie Update

  1. Poor girl. At least we know that the babies will be well. Let us hope that all will be well, and end well.

    Without you, Mary Ann, Mattie and all her babies would have died.

  2. If it had been just stuck in her throat, they would have found it sooner. But it was in the passage to her stomach, the esophagus, just lying there doing who knows what harm to her. Today her fever is gone (TYG) and she is eating, although she still has that vile diarrhea. Smells really bad- but there is no blood in it. Just to be sure, they did the FeLV and FIV test on her even though the two other boys that came with her tested negative. She was negative as well but we are holding off vaccinations until Friday to see if the fevers come back. She still tries to bite my ankles when I am in the deck enclosure with her, so I have transferred her to a tri-level cage where my legs can remain outside safe from her teeth and claws. Otherwise, she is quite loving considering all she has been through.

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