Fourth of July Round-up

For the last few days, I have been cat wrangling and trying to get all the sanctuary cats safe inside before the insanity starts. We have a few neighbors who try to get away with illegal fireworks so it can and does get a bit noisy around here at dusk. So far, the only kitty I haven’t been able to capture and tuck away for 24 hours is Bron- the orange kitty with one bum eye. I can only hope that once the fireworks begin- Bron will just duck under the barn and wait it out.

I’m not sure what the baby skunks will do. Hopefully not get so stressed out they run into harm’s way.They should be moving on in about two weeks as territorial disputes are breaking out daily. They can travel up to 12 miles to find a new home, which I do hope is soon!

This morning, Kota and I took our walk back to the creek and the culvert has been blocked off- not with debris floating downstream but a family of beavers have set up residence and built a pretty impressive damn right at the opening of the culvert. It is quite the sight- but the water is backing up.We can’t mess with them, by law both the skunks and the beavers are protected- so we will just have to wait and see what happens from here.

3 thoughts on “Fourth of July Round-up

  1. I’m the last one to bother animals doing what comes naturally, but blocking up a culvert could lead to danger for humans. Can you notify a wildlife department in this case?

    Good luck to all the animals during fireworks tonight!

  2. I watched a program on Public TV about beavers blocking culverts in Canada, and what the folks did to thwart their efforts. It was fascinating, learning about beavers! I worry about my friendly ferals, since not only do we have July 4th fireworks, but midnight at New Years too. They seem to handle it much better than I do! LOL! But that doesn’t mean I’m not concerned.

  3. All the cats survived the insanity- Thankfully! The damn is gone. I am not sure what happened- what only sticks remain? I know there is a beaver pond down the road a bit, perhaps they moved on. Last that I heard, Little Creek did not have much fish in it- just tiny minnows. The trees around our creek do not lend themselves to a lot of beaver activity. Not many saplings around. Nature takes care of its own- wish I could say the same for some humans.

    Yesterday, I heard from the lady who has Mattie and her babies. Mattie is doing just fine and Mackie has not had a relapse. She did say that the babies untie her shoes about twenty times a day though! LOL

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