Sad News Regarding Kota

I would say in the last 45 days, I have noticed a change in Kota. He is only sleeping on the bed, or on the couch instead of just stretching out on the floor. When he gets off the couch, it is the strangest thing to watch. He will get down with his front legs extended fully on the floor, but he will keep his back legs propped up on the couch with the pads of his feet extended towards the ceiling. He will stay there for the longest time, then creep forward slowly with this front paws and when his rear hits the floor with a thud, he will just lay down right there for a few moments before moving on. I have never seen anything like it and as it has become a habit for him to do this, I strongly suspected hip dysplasia might be the reason.

I took him in today for films and it isn’t hip dysplasia, it is worse. His hips are so messed up (at age two!) Both of the sockets appear to be displaced severely. There is a surgery to correct this, but it would involve not only several thousands of dollars but months of stress for him as he recovered being confined to a small cage for most of the time. They would have to completely remove both the sockets- then confine him as the scar tissue started regrowing and strengthening the bones again plus they would have to pin him inside and out.

So, we have opted to keep him on pain meds and I told him tearfully that I won’t let him suffer. The vet said he would be surprised if Kota were here for his 6th birthday. 🙁 He is on tramadol twice a day and no more runs in the woods or playing ball or going on playdates. I knew something was wrong but I was hoping just because he is such a mixture of breeds and so lanky, that these stretches off the couch were because of that and nothing else.

My first instinct when I was shown the films and they were explained to me, was to call Mike and let him know. Old habits die hard I guess. Perhaps part of me still thinks Mike is back at the hospital and will be home soon. Not sure why I picked up the phone to dial him up. Brain dead might be a good guess.

3 thoughts on “Sad News Regarding Kota

  1. You certainly didn’t need more hurtful news, and Kota doesn’t need this, either. The poor guy. He’s such a good friend to you. I know you will always be his friend, and do what is right for him. But what pain you are having these days.

    Mike was your partner in all ways. It was natural to think to call him. But he already knew, and will support you, no matter what.

  2. Poor Kota. This is sad news, but we know that you’ll love him and care for him for as long as possible. And after my father passed, I tried calling him several time over the following years, just to ask him to help me with a crossword puzzle! A habit is a habit, and even more so when there is great love involved.

  3. I am so sorry Kota has this to deal with. It hurts when we can’t fix it for them. I wish this weren’t happening, but am so glad he is there for you, and you for him.

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