The Storms

This weather is so crazy. We lost power for four days and I have had to shovel snow for the first time since leaving Alaska over twenty years ago! In the middle of the power outage, I went to sit down in my recliner and I accidentally sat right on Molly! I felt her underneath and heard her do this strange, strangled screech. I couldn’t take her to the vet until the morning, but I took her as soon as I could. They did films on her, did a complete exam and also did a CBC at my insistence because recently, she has really started filling out the litter pans. Thankfully, she is just a bit tender in her belly and she walks wonky. But, there is nothing broken or sprained just bruised.

Just like the last time at the vet, she kept trying to climb on to my shoulders and when I denied her my shoulder, she went for the vet’s! LOL I have never seen her do that before. They did have to sedate her in order to draw blood and while she was out- they also cleaned her ears (yeast infection) and clipped her nails.

With as much as this kitty loves me and follows me like a dog around the house, I can’t do much with her if she needs help. Putting her on pain pills would never work. The blood work will be back tomorrow and I am hoping her kidney values will be in normal range.

For the first time since I can’t even remember when- our vet debt is down to a manageable amount! Under $100.00, I told my regular vet that we had finally got him paid down and this has to happen and he just laughed.I am just really glad that Molly is okay. I already have one kitty who is on top of my worry list and I didn’t want to add another one.

It was 17 degrees last night and a few days ago, my pipes burst out in the laundry room. All the plumbers are swamped right now- no one can come for about two weeks. So I turned off the water in the laundry room- disconnected all the hoses and set out buckets to catch the flow coming from the ceiling. I also sprinkled cat litter on the spilt water as it automatically turned to ice and made for treacherous footing.

In two weeks- Mike would have been 79 years old. One more painful day to get through. He used to joke that he wouldn’t die for a long time as his mom was 100 years old when she died, and he was sure he inherited her longevity genes . But his mom also thought that I was Pocahontas and he was Lewis and Clark before she passed. He only thought I built the Crystal Cathedral from scratch and Rev. Schuller and I were best buds before he died, so maybe he did inherit something from her. 🙂

It’s getting easier as each day passes, but I could sure do without all these household emergencies that have happened since he died.

Pigeon’s wound is looking a bit better these days. I got tired of all the powders, lotions and ointments that the vet gave me that didn’t seem to be doing any good. I went and bought some CBD oil and started giving him five drops twice a day and putting the oil straight on his angry flesh. Before even a few hours had passed, the redness started to fade and after 48 hours of application (twice a day) his wound is shrinking! Wouldn’t it be something if the entire wound shrunk to the point that Friday won’t involve a major surgery? I will let you know how it goes.

3 thoughts on “The Storms

  1. I’ve said it before, Mary Anne, you have one thing after another happening to you. Just when the veterinary bills are reduced (hurrah for that!) another emergency comes up. It’s a bit of a change that it’s not a feline problem, but not much better.

    I wish Mike had beat his mum in terms of age; that would have been wonderful for both of you. And I’m glad it is becoming easier to live with each day. I know the grief never lessens, it just becomes less hard to bear. May all your troubles become less hard to bear, and soon.

  2. I am so relieved to say that Molly is Golden. Her values are so normal- there is nothing amiss. I had to laugh when the vet called this morning to tell me this. She asked how I was doing and I said I was fine, but Molly is another story. I woke up last night (I told her) with Molly humping my leg! I asked her if they gave molly a sedative or Viagra? LOL She just said that torties sometimes have unusual reactions to drugs and it should simmer down by tomorrow. LOL Right now she is Molly the amorous! 🙂

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