Sad Homecoming

I have been gone for ten days and have been back for three. Upon returning home, I found the under the house cats were scarce. I did find Chessa and had to rush her to the vet because she was in bad shape. She had 108 fever, her eyes were overrun by her third eyelids, she was lethargic and fla. For the first time since she arrived here, I was able to just hold her and pet her in the room. I loved on her over 30 minutes which is a miracle and told me something was very wrong with her. Her immune system had tanked and it was determined that the best thing for her was to send her to the Bridge. There has been (so far) so sightings of Twist, Gadget, Lincoln or Poe. I have seen Baker, Bentley, and Molly, Pigeon and PITA were secure inside of an enclosure. I hope to see the others come around soon. I have walked around the area calling to them- but there have been so many changes for them.

I still have no hot water, no plumbing. I have electricity and electric heaters. My gas heater arrives tomorrow and my hot water heater will be hooked up soon. My old one disintegrated when they went to move it! I have a larger bathroom (at least compared to the water closet I had before). All the demo has been done and now after the holiday, the build-up will begin. But I need to be here despite the cold, to let the cats know all will be okay soon. It seemed like forever since I have been home. My vet said that age and a poor immune system did Chessa in- my being here wouldn’t have mattered.

3 thoughts on “Sad Homecoming

  1. Hugs MA. Sorry for your loss, glad she had her last moments being loved on. Glad to hear there is some progress and that you are home.

  2. I read about Chessa on Facebook. At least you were with her at the end, and were able to hold her. In those thirty minutes, she realised all the love you had for her. Godspeed, Chessa.

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