Kota’s Find

While walking a well-known trail at a local park early this morning, we passed a large boulder. As we passed it, Kota started to whine. (He doesn’t whine). I looked around to see if anything was in the vicinity, couldn’t see anything. I started going forward, but Kota stopped and pulled back on the leash. He was going back to the boulder. I know this dog and trust him, so when I went around this rock with him, I saw a burlap sack twisted tight. But, Kota went up to it and gently picked it up in his mouth and brought it to me!

With some misgivings, I untied the bag took a deep breath and looked inside to find three kittens! They were open-mouth breathing- so frail and it just broke my heart.

The only thing opened was the 24 Hr ER Vet clinic. The kittens were given warmth, fluids, food which they inhaled. One was tested (negative!) They were de-flead and I was given worming medicine to give them once they gained some weight. They are now on a pet heating pad resting comfortably they are about 5-6 weeks old.

I am calling the two black kitties, Coal and Gunny on the silver one is Silverton. Here they are and Kota is always nearby watching to be sure they are safe. God Bless this dog! It has been cold and rainy here and if he hadn’t changed his behavior on our walk. I would have never even seen them. They were encrusted with mud, so they did also get a bath and some antibiotics.


4 thoughts on “Kota’s Find

  1. I will never understand the kind of hollowness it must take to attempt to murder these kittens, and not even an attempt at a “humane” murder.

    I think Kota deserves a new toy or treats – does he have a favorite?

  2. Call me silly, but I didn’t want to wait for a reply. A bag of chicken treats (figured whatever diet Kota was on, he could have plain freeze-dried chicken bits) and a case of kitten wet food will arrive on Tuesday 🙂

    Give the kittens a skritch from me and a kiss to Kota. Hugs to you, if you will accept 🙂

  3. That Kota is incredible! And that he even brought the sack to you…

    Thank God you were walking where you were and that Kota has the nose he does. His compassion is as great as yours, which is saying something!

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