I am humbled

Yesterday, after returning from town and picking up all my supplies for the coming month, I came home to find a large box on my porch. At first glance as I pulled into the driveway, it looked for all intents and purposes that it was from Chewy.

When I went to pick it up, it was cold although it was a sunny day and it was a bit wet? I carried it inside and to my surprise, there was food inside of it. But food for me! Fresh food, vegetables, packaged meats, spices, dried fruits. No indication of who it was sent by that I could see. The box came from Dinnerly.com  I was told when I called that the boxes will be delivered every Weds indefinitely!  There is enough food in there to easily prepare at least 18 small meals! Fresh corn, eggplant, cucumbers- exotic spices. The recipe cards I was told would be emailed. They would not tell me who sent it.

It took a little bit of research on my part, but I found out this is being sent by a local real estate woman. One, who in the past would call me about finding abandoned kittens and cats in abandoned houses and I would help her out all I could. This is nothing short of amazing at this time. Because I have to divide my donations between hitting the vet bill and buying food my cats will actually eat, this has dipped into my personal money, which I have no problem with. These cats come first always. It just leaves me a bit on the dry side when it comes to my wiggle room (how much money I have left after payday to run the next month). It just left me feeling so blessed.

I have not heard when HRB is coming home. He’s been on total care for a few days. They still haven’t pulled the IV yet, or taken him off the pain meds. He is finally eating on his own- but not bearing weight on that front leg yet. I can’t even go visit him! I did take over yesterday, a thin t-shirt that has my scent on it. I asked them to please put it into his cage, so he can get used to my scent. I had to tell them I didn’t care if I ever saw the shirt again. I just wanted him to have it to start the socialization period. He does indeed put the F in Feral!

4 thoughts on “I am humbled

  1. What a wonderful blessing for you, Mary Anne. All the more wonderful for being a complete surprise. Good things come to good people. Bon appetit!

    And sounds like His magnificent Royal Blackness is doing better. Was it indeed porcupine quills in his foot, as you suspected? I understand they are difficult to remove because they have small scales that act like the barbs on a fishhook if you try to pull them back out.

    If not for your determined efforts to help him it would have been an agonizing end for HRB.

  2. Indeed what a wonderful blessing, and bless her for her caring and generosity.
    I am happy to see you be on the receiving end of some unasked for, unexpected care…like you give these ferals 🙂

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