Bloodwork is back-

Surprisingly, Shell’s liver and kidney values are all in normal range. Her Blood, Urine, Nitrogen level not alarming. But, and there always seem to be a but…

Her WBC is through the roof at 19,000

Her Total Protein is 11.4

Her Gobulin is 8.9

The vet’s comment is that the WBC is in the FIP range, either that or cancer.

Whatever is going on is chronic and it is taking all her strength to fight it and keep going.

He doesn’t want to pull the plug on her yet. Said that “maybe” and that is a big maybe- the mouth mess is also wrecking havoc with her values. I am taking her in on Weds to get two more shots, then we wait a week or two and run the blood and see where we are.

He and I are in agreement that if at any time he or I feel she wants us to stop our efforts, we will and we will let her go.

I just got home, seemed like an awfully long shift tonight. I just wanted to get home and talk to her which is where I am headed now. I don’t think she is in any pain, but as any true cat lover knows- they hide their pain very effectively.

16 thoughts on “Bloodwork is back-

  1. It’s been an unusually long day, hasn’t it.
    Go talk to Shell.
    Maybe something else is making the numbers high.
    I’ll post a link on the CB.
    I’m up and down with KC tonight, just updated our blog.
    Love & Purrs,
    Mom ML & a sickly but sweet KC

  2. Poor little Shell, she is still only a little waif and we think that her mouth must be playing a big part in those blood test results. A bad mouth infection can wreak havoc on a frail little body. Mouth ulcers can take ages to heal and sometimes depomedrol doesn’t work that well. I am surpriised that the vet wasn’t more positive about her general condition, even a little weight gain is better than none. Some vets are just so cautious I know and don’t want to raise hopes too high.

    Shell just doesn’t yet have the reserves to get well quickly. Has she had a viral swab done for calici? If not, then it might be useful. Interferon is another treatment option if some of those ulcers are from calici. We think you are doing wonders for this little girl. Before you took her on, she had nothing. Now she has comfort, love and most of all some hope.

    We send you, Shell and Mike, rumbly purrs and love

    Whicky et al

  3. Pingback: Toosday Noos » Cat Blogosphere

  4. I am hoping and praying so hard that Shell will pull through. I went through this with Herman last year. His vet said that he was in the last stages of feline leukemia and he might last a few weeks or maybe a couple of months but there was one last thing we could try. It worked and now he is fat and happy. Herman and Emma are sending purrs.

  5. I have been through the FIP scare with my Miles and I think that Shell’s mouth ulcers could very well have something to do with the elevated WBC. I am hoping and praying very hard for all of you. You are truly an angel. – MeezerMomMary

  6. Well we are so sorry to hear about the blood work. We are sending tons and tons of purrs that the shots will help her some. The cat that I just took in had the same white cell count, 19,000. Also his red cells were not producing but they put him on doxycycline and gave him a depo shot and a B 12 shot and his has improved a bunch. His white cell count still needs to go down. But maybe Shell can’t have that kind of antibiotic. But we sure hope they can figure out something to help her.

  7. Im just wondering – as yogurt helps mouth issues in people, would it help Shell? I know diary isnt good for animals perhaps a soy brand?

    Shell is an amazing fighter and I know you are doing everything for her.

    Thank you!

    Mom Laure

  8. oh, dears! we’s so sorry there wasn’t better news. we is still purrin’ an’ purrrayin’ hard fur shell an’ fur you an’ fur her vettie. wrap yerselves in hugs frum us!!

  9. We also went through the FIP scare. Labs almost exactly like Shell’s right down to the same white cell count .. And the same horrific oral condition which our vet felt was probably longstanding. Also the same inability to gain weight! We got our Oscar when he was quite elderly and weighed just under 5 pounds even though he was a larger, fine boned boy. He looked terrible, but was the happiest cat we ever met. We think our vet, like yours, really suspected FIP. We did antibiotics and the Interferon. In the beginning of the treatment, new ulcers would form even though he was on the medications. Eventually, over time, the ulcer formation slowed, the white cell count began to edge it’s way down and Oscar started to gain weight. This was a very long process, not a matter of weeks but of months. But he DID recover. There were times our vet did despair, I think we all did. Everyone but Oscar. He lived to be 22, God bless him.
    We have been praying for Shell all along and will continue to pray for her until she recovers. Don’t be discouraged by the ups and downs…and there ARE ups and downs. God bless you for all that you have done for this sweet kitty. Please kiss Shell for us.

  10. She needs strength and calories to fight whatever this is. Have you tried ice cream? The cold might (???) help numb the ulcers in her mouth and the calories would help. She’s fighting for you now. Someone loves her and that makes the difference. Bless you both, Marian in Houston

  11. We have come over to offer healing purrs for Shell, after we read about her on the CB. We so hope she makes it. She so deserves the very best chance.

  12. We are sending tons of purrs and purrayers that Shell’s WBC goes down and that her mouth clears up and that she becomes much stronger every single day!!!

    Luf, Us and Maw

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